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Kenit, Vocis

this Imperial Captain was in command of the Far Orbit when Dhas Vedij and his followers mutinied. Kenit was a native of Hallu Sector, and formerly served on the Semqi Pefis and at Thomquizarr Naval Base. He proved himself to be to powerful and too well-connected to remain in any one position for very long, and was named Captain of the Far Orbit just twelve years after joining the Imperial Academy on Lianna. He spent much of his time on the Far Orbit hunting down pirates, often wiping out entire fleets when a simple victory would have sufficed. Kenit was not well-respected by his crew, being more of a bully and a dictator than a captain and mentor. The mutineers took control of the frigate and blasted Kenit and his officers into space in an escape pod. After being recovered, Kenit was visited by Sate Pestage, who delivered the message that he was to be executed for failing to avoid the mutiny.His only chance for redemtpion was to bring in the Far Orbit and her crew. Kenit vowed to bring Vedij and his crew to justice, but failed in several attempts. Emperor Palpatine, upset with the way in which the Far Orbit allied itself with the Alliance, executed Kenit himself.
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