a small child discovered by an unknown Jedi Knight, Ken was raised by the DJ-88 caretaker droid in the Lost Coty of the Jedi. His origins have been kept a secret, but he has fairly good control of the Force. As long as he can remember, he has worn a birthstone on a silver chain, although its origins are unknown to him as well. The stone is a hemispherical piece of silver crystal. He is restricted to living within the limits of the Lost City until he is old enough and experienced enough to survive by himself. Kadann foresaw that Ken would be able to bring Trioculus down, which was a prophecy fulfilled when Ken learned about Trioculus by secretly reading DJ-88's files on the Slavelord. He was 12 years old when Luke Skywalker took him out of the Lost City and trained him. His name, Ken, is taken from his mother's name, for Ken is the child of the Jedi woman Kendalina. He is sought later by Kadann, who believes he can obtain the location of the Lost City of the Jedi from Ken. Kadann, in an effort to make Ken give him the location of the green marble entrance, reveals a stone which fits perfectly with Ken's birthsone. Once inside the City, Kadann and DJ-88 reveal that Ken is the child of Kendalina and Triclops. Kendalina wanted Ken hidden from Palpatine, who was in fact Ken's grandfather, so she had someone hide him in the Lost City City of the Jedi.