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ke Teldan, Pekaelic

this Adumari was the perator of the city of Cartann when the planet was first contacted by the New Republic. Tomer Darpen quickly began manipulating ke Teldan, hoping to sway the perator to join the New Republic instead of the Empire. Unknowing of Darpen's schemes, ke Teldan was drawn into a web of deceit which forced him to declare Cartann the seat of the world government which was required for entry into the Republic. This declaration, made without the consent of any of the other perators on the planet, initiated a civil war which ended in defeat for Cartann. Wedge Antilles, which led the forces of the Yedagonian Confederacy against Cartann, refused to execute ke Teldan, as was demanded by Adumari custom. Instead, Wedge allowed ke Teldan to abdicate his throne to his son, Balass ke Rassa.
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