ke Sekae, Thanaer
this Adumari pilot challenged Cheriss ke Hanadi to a duel, shortly after she had defeated Eneboros ke Shalapan and Phalle ke Seiufere in combat. Her third challenge in less than a day, she was weary and injured at the start of the fight. She had claimed to be accepted challenges that had remained unfulfilled during her time as Wedge Antilles' escort through Cartann City. In reality, she was trying to please Wedge and the perator, Pekaelic ke Teldan. Thanaer quickly defeated Cheriss, but her life was spared when Wes Janson challenged Thanaer to a duel for her life. While not an accepted motivation for a duel, Thanaer accepted and was soundly defeated by Wes and his hand-to-hand combat tactics. Wes claimed his challenge and victory was an "engagement present" to Wedge and Iella Wessiri.