about twelve years before the Battle of Naboo, this form of entertainment became overwhlemingly popular on the planet Telos. Ostensibly a lottery mixed with betting on the outcome of several physical challenges, Katharsis allowed every native of Telos the chance to become incredibly wealthy with each round of play. Telosians gathered in huge domes scattered across the planet, where live coverage of the events was piped onto huge screens, while realtime updates on odds were posted on smaller terminals In the opening phase, all Telosians bet on the outcome of short battles and challenges to the players. The payouts were good, but only led up to the main event in which three natives were allowed to bet on the outcome of the final event. The winner, if they bet properly, won a huge award. All proceeds from Katharsis, which was managed by the corporation UniFy, were said to go directly into a fund which helped preserve the natural beauty of Telos. In reality, Katharsis was simply a way for the former Jedi Knight Xanatos to obtain a steady income of credits to fund his illegal mining operations. After Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi exposed Xanatos' plans, Katharsis was outlawed on Telos.