this jungle planet, known for its deadly flora and fauna, was best-known as the Wookiee home world, although there were legends that say the Wookiees settled Kashyyyk after travelling from another planet. There were four main continents on the planet, separated by bands of ocean that was studded with archipelagoes. Despite its completely-forested appearance from space, about forty percent of Kashyyyk's surface was covered with water. Much of it was simply covered by the immense canopies of the native wroshyr trees. There was also a small region of desert near the equator. The Wookiees lived in huge tree cities built to elevate them from the dangerous lower levels of the jungle. The Wookies discovered that the jungle had seven distinct levels, each defined by the amount of light it received. The lower levels - designated first, second, and third - had plants which are phosphorescent, providing their own light. Wookiees never traveled below the fourth level. The normal Kashyyyk rotational period lasts about 26 standard hours; its year lasts 381 local days. It was located in the Sumitra Sector, and had three moons. During the height of the Clone Wars, Kashyyyk was considered an important world to both sides of the conflict because it was the primary navigation point for travel into the southwest quadrant of the galaxy.