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this Devish from the Kardue family was the third to bear that name and the sixteenth in a line of devoted Army supporters. He was also the last, for when the Empire ordered him to execute over 700 Devaronian supporters of the Alliance, he balked at military life. He fled Devaron, and ended up on Tatooine. There, he went by the name of Labria, where he is known as Mos Eisley's mascot drunkard. He tries to make a living as an information broker, but his constant state of inebriation nets him little in the way of valuable data. He is known to a few by the alias Airbal (Labria spelled backwards), which is the name his is using to save money in a Tatooine bank. He hopes one day to make it big and get off the desert world. In the meantime, he pursued the best the galaxy has to offer for music, despite Imperial restrictions on performers in general. He has an extensive (complete, in his estimation) collection of the galaxy's music hidden in his Mos Eisley residence. When Garindan told him that Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes were playing for Jabba, he became obsessed with seeing them. Knowing that Jabba didn't like him and wouldn't let him in, Kardue'sai'Malloc arranged for Valarian to dump the Max Rebo Band and hire the Nodes away from Jabba. At the same time, he tipped Jabba off to Valarian's transgression. In the resulting melee, he asked Wuher to offer the Nodes a chance to lay low, in exchange for playing at the Mos Eisley cantina for basically nothing. Thus, Kardue'sai'Malloc - Labria to his Mos Eisley friends - was present in the Mos Eisley cantina when Obi-Wan and Luke approach Han Solo for passage to the Alderaan system. Larbia eventually won most of the Nodes' musical instruments playing sabacc with Figrin. He used his ability to see infrared light to cheat Figrin, failing only to obtain Doikk Na'ts's Fizzz. Kardue was eventually captured, some fifteen years after the Battle of Hoth. Kardue had been spotted on Tatooine, following the deaths of four mercenaries who were trying to kill him. Boba Fett tracked him to Peppel, somehow finding him by tracking sales of Merenzane Gold. Fett incapacitated Kardue, and brought him back to Devaron for sentencing. Before being turned over to the authorities, Kardue made Fett promise that his music collection would be recovered and saved for posterity. As per Devaronian law, Kardue was executed by a pack of quarra for his crimes.
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