Karda, Abal
Karda was, at one time, an Imperial Colonel. Boba Fett took on the assignment to track this man down, after he was declared an enemy of the Empire, shortly before the Battle of Yavin. A balding man with a cybernetic replacement for his left eye, Karda had been ordered by his superior, General Nim, to wipe out the Icarii. Karda destroyed the Icarii by poisoning the entire tribe. Selestrine, queen of the Icarii, was captured by Karda and forced into slavery. Karda believed that he could use her ability to foresee the future to his advantage, but Selestrine took the same poison that killed her tribe. In anger, Karda beheaded her before the poison could spread, and then stolen the disembodied head after medics encased it in a life-sustaining casket sheathed in kneeb hide. Selestrine then predicted that Karda's superior, General Nim, would be killed, and Karda could move up to take his place. General Nim came to Karda to congratulate him, and also revealed that Darth Vader himself knew about Seletrine's disembodied head. Karda grew scared and jealous of this knowledge, and shot Nim and his forces dead on the spot, thereby fulfilling Selestrin'es prophecy. Karda fled the Empire, assuming the guise of a Vestaari nomad in order to escape notice and travel to Star Station 12, then assumed the guise of a Duhman traveller in order to avoid being captured for the bounty placed on his head. Karda then traveled to Star Station 9, hoping to throw off any pursuit before fleeing to the planet Maryx Minor, where he hid himself among the Ancient Order of the Pessimists. Karda grew more and more delusional, and even killed one of the priests there when he believed the young man was a bounty hunter. He killed another when their funeral dirge for brother Mabob was too loud. However, Karda's disguises and hiding places couldn't prevent Boba Fett from finding him. In the end, Karda was shot and killed by Fett on Maryx Minor.