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Kappa-class Shuttle

this 35-meter shuttle was a personnel transport ship produced during the height of the Old Republic by Republic Sienar Systems. It was originally designed to carry AT-PTs into battle for close support operations, and could carry up to 40 troops into battle. The shuttle's interior was modular, and could be rearranged for various troop needs. In form it was a precursor to the Lambda-class shuttle, but the cockpit was extended away from the main fuselage and the the dorsal wing was not used. The stabilizer wings on the Kappa-class shuttle are much smaller than the Lambda-class has, and are stationary. The standard Kappa-class shuttle was armed with a pair of turret-mounted, double blaster cannons, and a pair of repeating blaster cannons mounted on the nose. After the rise of the Empire, the Kappa-class remained in production, although many users decided to leave off the AT-PTs. The cargo space which held the small walkers was often turned into additiona storage space.
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