Kal Nkai
an Arcona, who left his Grand Nest with his father, Kal Mpon, after it was raided by another clan. Kal Nkai, alone and without support, was picked up by an Imperial detachment and forced to work in a salt mine. Being an Arcona and raised in a saltless environment, Kal Nkai became addicted to the salt. He knew that his addiction was hindered by his nearness to such a large source, and he sought to escape his slavery. After a successful escape from Imperial slavery, Kal Nkai arrived on Tatooine, at the ripe old age of 16 standard years. He quickly established himself as a moisture farmer, working to extract the water and stay away from salt. Known as "Goldeye" around Mos Eisley, Kal Nkai frequents the cantina quite often, looking for a lick of salt to satisfy his cravings while going through withdrawal. He was in the Mos Eisley cantina when Obi-Wan and Luke approached Han Solo for passage to Alderaan. Note that this alien is referred to as Hem Dazon by many role-playing games sources; the Kal Nkai monicker now rarely used.