this was the name of a species of huge, intelligent, insectoid worm native to the planet Arapia. They are rumored to be related to the Duinuogwuin, and can exist in hard vacuum for short periods of time. Their lifespan can reach 1,500 years, and they continue to grow throughout their lives, often reaching lengths of 200 meters or more. A protective exoskeleton cracked and expanded with each period of growth. The front section of their bodies is studded with six to ten arms, and their heads are crowned with a wide frill of chitin. The lower section of their body is a bulbous, fleshy mass. As individual beings grew, they eventually reached a point in their lives where their bodies were too large to survive. These huge Kadri'Ra often chose to hide themselves in caverns, thereby forcing their bodies to adapt to the natural confines of the cave. The Kadri'Ra were generally regarded as thinkers and sages, although the Empire regarded them as mere beasts. They were subjugated and enslaved, and many Kadri'Ra died in labor camps. In the brief period of the New Order, the population of Kadri'Ra was cut from over 140 million to less than 15,000.