this Mid-Rim ocean world is located in the Yushan Sector. Despite its boundless oceans, Kaal is also a major exporter of agricultural goods. Numerous casinos and luxury resorts populate its coasts and islands, which were controlled by the Empire until the Battle of Endor. Following the death of Emperor Palpatine, Jeng Droga - one of his faithful Dark Jedi - was so overwhelmed that he crashed his ship into the oceans of Kaal. The ship was rumored to have the only working cloaking device of its time. The crash caused massive tidal waves which destroyed the Unis Islands. The Empire laster abandoned the planet, since its most valuable resort properties had been wiped out. The crimelord Tirgee Banyalle then took control of the planet, and exploited its aquacultural resources. After the Battle of Endor, the New Republic and Talon Kaarde both negotiated for control of the planet. The Republic wanted to have access to the aquaculture, while Kaarde wanted the cloaking device.