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this was the name given to the huge, cybernetic organisms which were bred to be the factories of the planet Zonama Sekot. The Jentari were actually huge, tree-like creatures that understood the needs of Sekot and channeled her energy into the constructs built within them. They were known as shapers to the original Magister, who worked with Sekot to create and train the Jentari. They were given smaller tasks, such as the shaping of Sekotan starships, in order to train them for the task of making the entire planet of Zonama Sekot capable of traveling through hyperspace if a dangerous foe every tried to overtake the planet. Many xenobiologists claim that the Jentari were also responsible for the creation of the boras and the tampasi. During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, Zonama Sekot made a blind jump into hyperspace to avoid the sabotage of Nom Anor. The Ferroan poeple were forced to flee underground to avoid the ecological damage that occurred on the surface, and the Jentari simply went into hiding.
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