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this former smuggling acquaintence of Han Solo plied the Smuggler's Run during the years after the collapse of the Empire. It was Jarril who smuggled Lando Calrissian out of the Run after Calrissian stole a great deal of treasure from Nandreeson. He became mixed up in Dolph's plans to use the Run to transport his remote detonation droids to Coruscant, and starting seeing his fellow smugglers disappear. They made a great deal of money before becoming lost, and Jarril himself went to Coruscant to track down Han. Jarril hoped that Han would unofficially investigate the circumstances, and met him in the Crystal Jewel. Han initially declined the offer, and during their talks Dolph's droids exploded in the Senate Assembly Chamber. Han left to see what had happened, and Jarril returned to his ship. His co-pilot, Seluss, was nowhere to be found, so Jarril began his pre-flight preparations. Some of Dolph's men intercepted him, and took over his ship, the Spicy Lady. They shot Jarril and killed him, leaving him adrift. They also left incriminating messages in the Spicy Lady's computer banks, implicating Han in the Senate Chamber bombing.
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