this was the name given by Anakin Skywalker to the huge Sekotan starship he purchased with Obi-Wan Kenobi, during their search for Vergere. They agreed to purchase the ship in order to get close to the people of Zonama Sekot and learn what happened to Vergere. Their ship was formed from fifteen seed-partners, all of which bonded to Anakin before survived the forging and annealing process before being shaped into a twenty-five-meter long craft which also had a wingspan of thirty meters. Because of the bonding with Anakin, the Jabitha was capable of incredible maneuvers while he was piloting the craft. A pair of heavily-modified Silver-class engines were mated to the organic ship to provide propulsion and approximate a Class 0.4 hyperdrive, and a shield system was added to make up for the fact that the ship lacked any form of weaponry. With this configuration, and with Anakin as its pilot, the Jabitha could attain speeds of 13,000 kilometers per hour in atmosphere. Unfortunately, Zonama Sekot came under attack by Wilhuff Tarkin at the time the Jabitha was shaped, and Anakin and Obi-Wan were unable to fully integrate themelves with the ship. The Jabitha fell sick, and when Zonama Sekot disappeared into hyperspace to escape Tarkin's assault, the Jabitha died on the planet Seline.