the younger son of the Hapan Queen Mother, Isolder held the title of Chume'da (which roughly translates to "Prince") at the time when Leia Organa petitioned the Hapans for assistance in defeating Warlord Zsinj. He had been named Chume'da because his older brother, Kalen, was murdered by a privateer named Harravan. It was later revealed that Kalen had been assassinated by their mother, Ta'a Chume, in an effort to remove him from the line of succession. The blonde-haired Isolder caught a glimpse of Princess Leia Organa when she arrived on Hapes to form an alliance with the Hapans, and fell in love with her. He proposed to his mother that a marriage to her would help the Hapans prosper, and Ta'a Chume pretended to agree. When a Hapan delegation arrived on Coruscant to discuss an alliance with the New Republic, they presented Leia with sixty-three gifts, one from each of the worlds in the Hapes Cluster. The sixty-third gift was Prince Isolder, who had arranged to go to Coruscant, where he proposed marriage. Leia stalled the marriage, and was given more time to decide when Han Solo won Dathomir in a sabacc match. Han kidnapped Leia and took her to Dathomir, and Isolder and Luke Skywalker followed to rescue her. While on Dathomir, Isolder met Teneniel Djo and realized that he loved her more than Leia. He also learned of his mother's treacherous attempt to have Leia killed. In an effort to break the unsavory traditions he mother adhered to, Isolder took Teneniel as his bride. Luke Skywalker had foreseen that he and Teneniel would give birth to a daughter who was strong in the Force, a prophecy which was later fulfilled with the birth of Tenel Ka. When Ta'a Chume stepped down, Teneniel Djo became the Queen Mother of Hapes, and Isolder became her king. The Hapans remained outside galactic politics for several years, until the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy. Then, Leia Organa-Solo again traveled to the Hapes Cluster in hopes of convincing the Hapans to join the fight against the alien invaders. The Hapes Consortium was divided on whether to support the New Republic, until Isolder slapped Beed Thane for insulting Leia. This led to an unusual duel in which the winner would control the vote. Thane was arrogant, and Isolder was able to outlast him. The Hapes Cluster joined the New Republic in an effort to defeat the Yuuzhan Vong, and Isolder himself led the fleet from the Song of War. However, as the combined fleet made to defend Corellia, it was discovered that the Yuuzhan Vong were actually attacking Fondor. The fleet made emergency maneuvers to reach Fondor, but found the shipyards utterly destroyed. The Hapans and the New Republic forces opened fire on the Yuuzhan Vong armada, but all hostilities were ceased when a blast from Centerpoint Station ripped through the Fondor System. In addition to wiping out the Yuuzhan Vong, the blast decimated the Hapan fleet. Isolder and his crew aboard the Song of War were just outside the blast, and survived to limp back to the Hapes Cluster. Once home, Isolder discovered that Teneniel Djo had miscarried their second child, and that she had fallen into a deep despair. With the Hapan people clamoring for strong leadership, Isolder was forced to consider an unusual request from his mother: divorce Teneniel Djo and marry Jaina Solo.