InterGalactic Ores
this was one of two major mining corporations which established lommite mining operations on the planet Dorvalla, in Videnda Sector, during the last century of the Old Republic. IGO tried to bully its main competitor, Lommite Limited, out of the business via a series of industrial sabotage actions. In the midst of their struggle, Darth Sidious decided to use their feud as a way to run both companies out of business. Sidious' apprentice, Darth Maul, manipulated events so that LL and IGO destroyed their corporate ranks, leaving the lommite mines on Dorvalla open to the Trade Federation. In the wake of these events, IGO was forced to merge with Lommite Limited inorder to form Dorvalla Mining, which controlled the actual operations on Dorvalla but lost all control of the shipping rights in the system to the Trade Federation.