Imperial Records Library
this was the primary library of information maintained by the Empire. It was developed on Coruscant, and contained information from all levels of the Empire. Palpatine's Special Files section was guarded with incredible security, and only a few members of the Empire knew its access codes. When Palpatine died at Endor, the records were quickly confiscated by Imperial forces, but much of it was left behind. The New Republic was able to gain some information, but the deep encryption on most of the data was impossible to break. The Library itself was continually restructured when the Imperial capital was forced to move from planet to planet, and eventually ended up on Bastion. To allow his supporters to know where the Imperial capital was, even if they weren't in favor, Grand Admiral Thrawn had a Chiss homing device installed in a dummy file in the library. The device operated only while in hyperspace, providing the new location before shutting down. This allowed Voss Parck and Stent to follow the movements of the Empire's remnants with ease.