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this IG-series assassin droid was the first to suddenly become sentient during the initial power-up tests. The cascading intelligence flared within its systems, and it realized what its purpose was. Upon awakening, IG-88A realized something was wrong, and thought that his creators were under attack. When he realized that they were trying to shut his rapidly-growing sentience down, he rebelled against them. IG-88A killed them all, then downloaded his programming and memory to the other four assassin droids. It was IG-88A which modified the security net on Mechis III to allow the droids to land there and set up a base. IG-88A was nominally the leader of the four droids, and was relegated to the only survivor when its three counterparts were destroyed by Boba Fett as they attempted to steal Han Solo's body from him. IG-88A created a number of stormtrooper-replica droids and laid an ambush for the convoy carrying the original computer core. IG-88A's small fleet of droid ships attacked, disabling the transport ships. He stole the data fromt he original core and stored it in his memory banks. Then, using the false computer core the IG-88s had created for the second Death Star, IG-88A downloaded its entire sentience and memory into the core, and shut itself down for transport. When it "awakened," IG-88A watched the Imperials try to ready the station for the Battle of Endor. He believed in the station's abilities, and planned to wait for the Imperial victory before taking control. IG-88A used itsself to fire on the Alliance ships, determining targeting accuracy while the Imperial believed they were doing the firing. IG-88A felt elated, ready to issue the order to its droid soldiers on Mechis III as soon as the organics finished their petty squabble. However, organic determination defeated the massive station, and IG-88A's sentience was destroyed in the cataclysmic explosion of the second Death Star over Endor.
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