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this snow planet was the sixth planet in the Hoth system, located along the Ison Corridor in the galaxy's Anoat Sector, some 50,250 light-years from the galactic core. It orbited a distant, blue-white star, and had three natural satellites. Just outside the orbit of Hoth was a huge asteroid belt, which many believed to be the result of the collision of two planets eons ago. The treacherous belt of asteroids maked any approach to the planet very hazardous. Its remote location made it the perfect site for an Alliance base three years after the Battle of Yavin. Many smaller asteroids got pulled in by Hoth's gravity, and rained down on the planet as meteors. The planet's normal daytime temperature was some thirty-degrees below zero, and its high-velocity wind and snow storms made it extremely inhospitable. Hoth had a fair amount of seismic activity, with underice "oceans" in the southern hemisphere and the tidal pull of three moons. This activity was constantly changing the various ice formations and creating vast, natural ice caves and tunnels. It was for these reasons that Alliance Major Kem Monnon chose it for Echo Base. Its harsh, frozen climate gave rise to only two major lifeforms, the Wampa ice creature and the tauntaun. Small rodents, wirelike ice worms, and hardy lichens completed the planet's minimal foodchain. Note that Marvel Comics' Star Wars issue 78, indicates that Hoth had more than one sun at the center of its system.
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