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Horn, Hal

Corran Horn's father, Hal's given name was Valin Halcyon. After his father, Nejaa Halcyon, was killed in the Clone Wars, Rostek Horn married Nejaa's widow and erased all information on the Halcyon family. He hoped this would hide his new family from Emperor Palpatine, and the name Hal was used to honor to Nejaa Halcyon. Rostek kept a JedCred as a memoir of Nejaa Halcyon, and later gave it to Hal as a medallion. Hal was ten years old when Nejaa died. He was an excellent graduate of the Corellian Security Force Academy, and attended the Academy twenty years before his son. Hal Horn was the investigating officer who looked into Soontir Fel's disruption of Ilir Post's assault on Pamr, and was given the assignment to investigate the explosion on Gus Treta that killed Wedge Antilles' parents. Hal kept a watchful eye on Wedge, but declared him a hopeless fool when Wedge started running weapons for the Alliance. Hal later married a Corellian woman, and they had a son together, whom they named Corran. Corran grew up to follow in Hal's footsteps, also becoming a CorSec agent. When Corran matured, Hal presented him with the JedCred medallion, claiming it came from a friend of his father's who was a Jedi. As a team, they were quite effective. On one undercover mission, they learned that Hal's wife had been fatally injured by a drunk driver. They rushed to the hospital to see her, and she died shortly afterward. Several years later, Hal was killed on a mission with Corran, during which they flew separate ships to intercept a smuggling ship, and they met little resistance. However, the smuggler was also the target of the bounty hunter Bossk. Corran had become relaxed, and wasn't checking other sensors because the smuggler was in their sights. Bossk, under a valid Imperial warrant, was trying to target the smuggler, but shot Hal Horn instead in an cantina. Corran was poweless to stop it, and was forced to comfort Hal as he died. Corran held himself responsible for the death of his father for many years.
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