Hegerty, Soron
Soron Hegerty was a Doctor of Biology who spent a great deal of her time studying the Ssither race on Jatee. She was raised as an Old Republic Army brat, although she had only the best life could provide. She grew up admiring the Old Republic's various alien species, and devoted her education to understanding them more. With the advent of the Empire, Soron and her father were conscripted into duty. She became a member of the Imperial Species Identification Bureau, but was constantly thwarted in her attempts to bring other species into the New Order. After discovering the Ssither on Jatee, she faked her own death and returned to Jatee, where she continually subverted Imperial probes on the planetoid. Doctor Hegerty was later recruited by Imperial Moff Crowal, who provided Hegerty with the resources she needed to fully investigate the alien races of the Unknown Regions. Hegerty reluctantly agreed to rejoin the Empire, and found herself with a wealth of sponsorships. Doctor Hegerty was later assigned to Luke Skywalker's mission to locate the mysterious planet Zonama Sekot, in the wake of the Battle of Borosk, as part of Crowal's goodwill toward the fledgling Galactic Alliance. She had enough experience in the research and investigation of primitive cultures that she hoped to be of assistance in investigating the trail of myths and legends surrounding the rogue planet's movements through the Unknown Regions. Their mission led them to the Klasse Ephemora System, where Sekot had hidden the planet in orbit around Mobus. Doctor Hegerty was fascinated by Ferroan culture, until Sekot arranged for a series of tests to bring the true nature of their mission to light. However, both Luke Skywalker and Jacen Solo were able to convince Sekot that they were searching for a peaceful end to the war, and the planet agreed to follow them back to the galaxy.