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an Imperial Navy Captain who served during the Battle of Endor, Harrsk's Star Destroyer was severely damaged in the battle, and Harrsk received a number of greivous burns all over his face and body. He fled with the remnants of the fleet to the Core, where he let his skin heal naturally, preserving forever the scars the Alliance had given him. The only repair he allowed was the addition of a droid's optical sensor to replace his lost eye. Since the Battle of Endor, Harrsk has mustered the remaining Imperial starships, and began small harassment attacks on the New Republic. as his power grew, Harrks became more and more of a dissenter, active during Leia Organa Solo's reign as the Chief of State for the New Republic. Harrsk sought to restore the New Order to the galaxy. He was thought to have a base on Spuma, from which he was manufacturing Imperial-class Star Destroyers for his fleet. Admiral Daala offered to join with Harrsk following the destruction of her fleet and the Eye of Palpatine. When he refused, and ordered her to take command of his fleet against Teradoc, Daala set out to unite the feuding warlords or die. In ther end, Daala found it best to kill of the childish warlords - Harrsk included - when they failed to reach an agreement at the summit on Tsoss Beacon.
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