this royal youth was Plourr Ilo's younger brother and the true son of Uthorrferrell Cartha. Unlike other members of the family, Harrandatha was a failure of the Eiattuan genetic engineers. He was sadistic and cruel, torturing small animals for fun and choosing the philosophy of the New Order over that of the Old Republic. The happiest day of his life was the day Darth Vader arrived on Eaittu to inspect a new garrison. He met the Dark Lord, who played on the youth's loyalties and created a devote follower of Palpatine's rule. Vader left him a small, jeweled ring as a symbol of their friendship, although the ring was truly meant to control Harrandatha's mind. When Uthorrferrell was executed by the Priamsta, it was Harrandatha who caught Plourr during the royal family's flight. He tried to sound an alarm, but Plourr bludgeoned him with a rock and killed him. The ring was later recovered and used by Harran Estillo to impersonate Harrandatha.