Harkness, Dirk
a native of the planet Salliche, this Alliance operative joined the Alliance shortly after Imperial forces killed his fiance, Chessa. He was angry, and wanted to exact any kind of revenge on the Empire. He saw his first action against the Empire during the evacuation of Edan Base, shortly after the Battle of Yavin. Harkness was eventually named the commander of the Black Curs, and was forced to crash-land on Hensara III. He and his crew were eventually rescued by the X-Wing Rogue Squadron. Before the Battle of Endor, Harkness worked as an independent operative for the Alliance and the New Republic. Harkness was a trusted source of information to Airen Cracken, although his freelance status meant that other members of the Republic didn't trust him. He was a stubborn man, and a native of the planet Salliche. Shortly after the Battle of Endor, he had been working with Platt Okeefe and her band of mercenaries, and was captured by Imperial forces. He was imprisoned on Zelos II, and shared a dark cell with Jai Raventhorn. They were interrogated and beaten senseless, and neither had any idea how long they were imprisoned. Okeefe and Tru'eb Cholakk managed to rescue them both.