Hand of Thrawn
this was the codename of the hidden fortress maintained by a contingent of Chiss on Nirauan. Grand Admiral Thrawn had left a large number of his race behind with distinct orders to await his return ten years after his departure. It was set up some twenty years before Thrawn's first reign of terror. The caves and tunnels beneath the fortress were lined with cortosis ore, and a large population of ysalamiri were imported, in order to protect the compound from the new crop of Jedi Knights. During the intervening time, they kept a huge assortment of weapons and warships armed and ready for his return. The existence of the fortress - which had five large towers, and resembled an up-turned hand - was kept secret until the New Republic discovered a cache of Imperial datacards on Wayland, at Mount Tantiss. A card entitled "The Hand of Thrawn" was unreadable, however. Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade managed to discover the location of Nirauan after backtracking the trails of ships which attacked them at Kauron. Mara was captured there, and Luke returned to rescue her. They were able to escape from the fortress and provide the Republic with information on its whereabouts.