Grunger, Josef
one of the Imperial Grand Admirals still in power after the death of Emperor Palpatine, Grunger commanded a fleet of thirty Star Destroyers. During the height of the New Order, Grunger was patrolling the Mandalore Sector of the galaxy, protecting the spice mines of Gargon. When the Emperor died aat Endor, Grunger destroyed the ships which were part of Grand Admiral Takel's fleet, and set about building his own base of power. He bullied other subordinate officers into joining his growing fleet, which was led by the Super-class Star Destroyer Aggressor and number more than 200 ships in strength. He went rogue after the death of Grand Admiral Teshik, and tried to take over control of the Corellian Sector. Grunger was killed in battle with Grand Admiral Pitta, when he rammed the Aggressor into Pitta's torpedo sphere.