this Gamorrean was a renowned warrior who lost his wife and children to a deadly plague. In an effort to block out their memories, Grissom hired on as a guard to Jabba the Hutt, only to have Jabba killed by Leia Organa. He lost his desire to live on, and spent much of his time in a drunken stupor. He wound up on the planet Otunia, fighting in the gladiator pits. Despite the fact that he tried to rescue Arista Kabul from a Gran thug, Grissom was imprisoned by her father for fighting with the Gran. When Lorn Kabul toured the mines where Grissom was forced to work, the Gamorrean discovered the bomb placed in the mine by Seth Kabul. Acting quickly, Grissom tried to defuse the bomb, but eventually had to throw it down the tunnel. The resulting explosion killed Lorn, but Grissom managed to save Arista. They fled into the desert, and were rescued by the Jawa Tek. He devised a plan to turn the Jawa in for the bounty on his head, then he and Arista blasted the little alien out of prison. They used the bounty money to purchase explosives, and Grissom used his knowledge of the mines and Tek's knowledge of explosives to set them in place. After Arista confronted her uncle, Seth, and demanded that he remove her ankle bracelet, she then set off the charges. The explosions destroyed the Kabul Industries mines, leaving Seth with nothing. Arista fled Otunia with Grissom and Tek.