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Graveyard of Lost Ships

this collection of starships orbits a dwarf star. It was created over the years by Doctor Arakkus, and encompassed five interconnected rings of ships following the Battle of Yavin. Arakkus lured the ships near the Graveyard with distress calls, in an attempt to make other suffer as he has suffered. The ships which are lured to the Graveyard fall under the gravitational influence of the dwarf star, and become incapable of escaping its grasp. Like the Graveyard itself, the ships slowly plunge into the dwarf star. Most of the crews captured by Arakkus go insane and kill themselves. The Graveyard was destroyed prior to the Battle of Hoth when Arakkus trapped Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, and Chewbacca aboard the Millennium Falcon. The three tried to help Arakkus escape the doomed rings, but Arakkus fled deep into the network of ships. The Alliance agents set of a series of negatron charges - which had been placed througout the Graveyard by Arakkus - destroying the connected ships and Arakkus as well.
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