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Grand Convocation Chamber

this structure was built to replace the old Senate Hall on the planet Coruscant, destroyed when Dolph's first attack on the New Republic laid it to rubble. Both the Senate Hall and the Convocation Chamber were built upon the foundation of the former Galactic Senate Rotunda. Unlike the Senate Hall, in which the delegates' seats were arranged in semi-circular rows surrounding a dais, the Convocation chamber had a multitude of configurable blocks of seats. These blocks were arranged in a seemingly random pattern which, when viewed as a whole, spread out in a graceful and stylish array. Each group of seats was separated by soundproof barriers which allowed a clear view of the entire chamber but, when the President deactivated the sound system, isolated each set of delegates and quieted the entire hall. When Borsk Fey'lya killed himself in an effort to destroy a good portion of the Yuuzhan Vong force which eventually subjugated Coruscant, the Convocation Chamber was one of the few buildings in the vicinity of the Imperial Palace which avoided taking major damage. Its survival was due mainly to its structural engineering, but also to the fact that the Yuuzhan Vong had decided to use the Chamber to house the World Brain that would control Coruscant's transformation into a simulacrum of Yuuzhan'tar.
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