Gorjaye, Ranna
a native of Salliche, this woman served as a squadron leader of the X-Wing forces sent to Kal'Shebbol to take down Imperial Moff Kentor Sarne some four years after the Battle of Endor. After Sarne's escape, Ranna joined the crew of the corvette FarStar as a pilot and gunner. She was a graduate of the Imperial Academy on Raithal, but joined the Alliance because she thought it was the right thing to do. Ranna was a cocky pilot known by the nickname "Wing-Ripper," who formed a grudging respect for Kaiya Adrimetrum, but remained a loner aboard the ship until she struck up a relationship with Darryn Thyte. She was also known for her sabacc playing, although much of the crew found her ability to win quite annoying.