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All text and original artwork is copyright 1996-2005 by Bob Vitas, although it has obtained from a variety of sources, all of which are the copyrighted material of LucasFilm Limited. I've tried my best to avoid plagiarizing and such, but there are times when the author's original words are not easily reworked. In those cases, please be aware that there is no malicious intent here... your words are just too perfect!

All facts and information contained in this encyclopedia are TM and copyright by Lucasfilm Ltd., except as noted. Information which has been copyrighted by LFL has not used with expressed permission, although no malicious intent was intended in the use of this information, nor is there any intention of making a profit from it. This is just a fan site for fans.

This document may not be redistributed without the consent of the author. I've worked too long and hard on this to have it pirated. E-mail me at bobvitas@nc.rr.com if you want to copy anything to another work.

***** Last updated June 6, 2005 *****
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