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How You Can Help

In general, the entry of information is done by a sole source... me! I've had enough bad experiences to keep it to myself. However, I'm not above accepting help wherever I can. If you have some source information that's not in the encyclopedia, go ahead and e-mail me with the details. Please include the name of the source and a page reference, if you can.

The easiest thing - for me, anyway - is to borrow books, comics, and games, and go through them at my own pace. It usually takes about a day per comic issue, or a week for a roleplaying game reference, for me to cull the information from them. If you have any of the following books, comics, and/or other sources that are currently not in the encyclopedia, I'm issuing a "call for papers" asking for reader assistance in obtaining some of these. "Any help would be hot!" Please e-mail me if you're willing to help:

  • Clone Wars Adventures - issue 4
  • Jedi Starfighter - PS2 game
  • Racer Revenge - PS2 game
  • Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader - GameCube game
  • Star Wars Empire - issues 32 thru 37
  • Star Wars: Obi-Wan - XBox game
  • Star Wars Republic issues 78 thru 79
  • Any Prima Star Wars Game Guide from the original X-Wing through Battlefront II
  • WotC Living Force modules all except Eye of the Sun

I have also updated the SWENC logo for those of you who wish to link to this website with an image. Just put the following HTML on your website:

<a href="http://www.theforce.net/swenc"> <img src="http://www.theforce.net/swenc/images/swenc_logo.jpg" alt="The Completely Unofficial Star Wars Encyclopedia"></a>

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