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this was a common name given to Zabrak males. Like many Zabrak names, it related to survival characteristics, and meant "resourceful". (GCG)

Yuth ugh
this Yuuzhan Vong command was used to awaken a qipat firewasp that was contained inside the shell of a tzur'qipat. Note that the New Jedi Order Sourcebook indicates that this phrase was a command, used to tell another individual to "get back." (GMR8, NJOSB)

Yuth ugh
this Yuuzhan Vong phrase translates loosely to the command, "Do what I say." It was often used to warn others to wait for their leader before acting. (VP, UFCD)

this military contractor produced a variety of armored vehicles during the early period of the New Order. (FC)

a backwater planet subjugated by the Empire early in the New Order. (CRO)

this male Sullustan served as an Ensign in the engineering corps of the Galactic Alliance's military, during the years following the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. Yuul served aboard the Admiral Ackbar about a year after the Qoribu Crisis, and was astonished to receive a field promotion to Captain when a swarm of Gorog assassin bugs infiltrated the ship and killed off his superior officers, including Captain Urbok and Lieutenant Commander Reo. (DN2)

Yuuzhan Vong
this was the name of the language that was spoken by the Yuuzhan Vong. (UANT)

Yuuzhan Vong
this race of beings was native to an extra-galactic galaxy which was devastated by warfare and biotechnology. Evolving first on the planet Yuuzhan'tar, the Yuuzhan Vong worshipped a complex pantheon of gods. Ancient texts discovered by Yuuzhan Vong scholars revealed that, at some point in the distant past, their homeworld was invaded by a highly technological race. More machine that living flesh, these invaders set out to destroy the Yuuzhan Vong. The Yuuzhan Vong, in turn, called upon their gods for help. Although the exact nature of the assistance was clouded by time, the gods provided the Yuuzhan Vong with information on how to use living resources into weapons. After defeating the technological beings who had invaded their world, the Yuuzhan Vong believed themselves to be the chosen masters of their galaxy, a right bestowed upon them by their gods. This new-found pride, along with the skills of war, drove the Yuuzhan Vong away from their gods, and was believed to have resulted in their disconnection with the Force. When individual clans finally conquered all worlds in their galaxy, they began warring amongst themselves. In a millennia-long battle known as the Cremlevian War, Yuuzhan Vong tribes fought to exterminate each other, laying waste to most of their habitable planets. With the end of the Cremlevian War and the unification of the clans, the Yuuzhan Vong found themselves living in a galaxy that contained dead and lifeless worlds. Taking to the stars, they set out to cross the intergalactic void to find a new home, a journey which would take thousands of years and end with the discovery of the New Republic. Roughly humanoid in shape, they often mutilated their bodies with scars and tattoos in order to prove their worth to their gods. Being from another galaxy, the Yuuzhan Vong cellular structure contained no midi-chlorians, thereby rendering them untouchable to the Force. The fleshy faces of the Yuuzhan Vong are distinguished by several key features, in addition to the scars and tattoos that define their social standing: bluish sacks beneath their eyes, sloping foreheads, and lipless mouths. They were masters of organic technology, using all sorts of lesser creatures to perform highly advanced tasks. However, they frowned upon biological diversity, and took severe steps to wipe out or subjugate the other species encountered in their home galaxy. The Yuuzhan Vong society was broken down into three primary castes - warriors, shapers, and intendants - and the minor castes of workers and priests. Much of the Yuuzhan Vong society was centered on the worship of several gods and goddesses, and the belief in those deities forces each member of society to understand his or her place in the universe. Each ritual scarring and tattooing added to the social stature of an individual, and the pattern of disfigurement provided information about the individual's class. It was later discovered that the Yuuzhan Vong had visited the known galaxy some fifty years before their attacks on Belkadan and Dubrillion, when Anki Pace found the remains of a warrior on Bimmiel. After destroying almost every habitable world in their own galaxy, the Yuuzhan Vong created a fleet of worldships and set out to locate another galaxy which they could conquer and inhabit. Somehow, they had penetrated the hyperspacial disturbance which isolated the known galaxy and traveled across the intergalactic gulf. This journey took "incalculable millennia", and was predicated on the death of the original Yuuzhan Vong homeworld, Yuuzhan'tar. Vast numbers of genetic and cellular samples were taken from Yuuzhan'tar, in order for the Yuuzhan Vong to survive the trip. Chief among these samples were the cells of the World Brain that lived at the heart of the planet. The journey necessitated the use of living ships to assist in surviving the journey, which ended when this galaxy was discovered. The initial foray to Bimmiel served as advance intelligence, and gave the Yuuzhan Vong some idea of what life forms existed in the galaxy, as well as their military strength. After establishing a base on Belkadan, the Vong began capturing pirates and enslaving them as laborers on Belkadan. They used gricha larva to form huge, shell-like dwellings wherever they traveled, creating living chambers inside the spiralled nacreous material of the shell. After the Battle of Ithor, it was learned that the Yuuzhan Vong had been experimenting with the various alien species they had displaced while invading the galaxy. Most of the specimens died or were sacrificed, due to their inability to withstand the unusual biological manipulations of the Yuuzhan Vong. Eventually, the Yuuzhan Vong pushed into the Core Worlds and captured Coruscant. The cityworld was quickly demolished, with many structures being destroyed by falling skyhooks and satellites. A World Brain was installed in a yorik coral cavern, and the planet Yuuzhan'tar was rebuilt as the new Yuuzhan Vong homeworld. For many months, a sort of peace existed between the Yuuzhan Vong and the New Republic, as both sides paused to rebuild their forces and defend what each held. This changed at the Battle of Ebaq, where Warmaster Tsavong Lah and his forces were soundly defeated. Tsavong Lah himself was killed in combat by Jaina Solo, and Supreme Overlord Shimrra vowed to destroy anything that got in the way of galactic conquest. However, it was the rediscovery of the planet Zonama Sekot that helped bring the two sides together. Luke Skywalker, Jacen Solo, and the priest Harrar were on Zonama Sekot when it fled the Klasse Ephemora System, and spent many days trying to commune with Sekot. When they did, Harrar revealed that some Yuuzhan Vong believed that they had not fled their home galaxy, but instead had been exiled from it. When Jacen reasoned that this exile might have involved separating the Yuuzhan Vong from the Force, Sekot understood why the Yuuzhan Vong were not visible to the Jedi. They had been stripped of any connection to the Force by their gods - in actuality, the Force itself - a painful act of separation that the Yuuzhan Vong had been trying to reconcile for generations. Only the Shaper Onimi was able to ever regain the connection, after grafting yammosk cells to his own neural pathways, thereby restoring "innocent" living tissue to his Yuuzhan Vong cells. The war between the Yuuzhan Vong and the Galactic Alliance came to an end at Coruscant, after Zonama Sekot appeared and both Shimrra and Onimi were killed in battle. The cost of the war was estimated to have been some 365 trillion beings, but in the end the Yuuzhan Vong were allowed to surrender and find their place within the galaxy. Many chose to commit suicide rather than surrender, and many others simply fled into the galaxy's farthest reaches. However, the Galactic Alliance and the Jedi Knights agreed that Zonama Sekot was the true home of the Yuuzhan Vong, especially in light of the revelations made by Sekot itself. Although a handful of Yuuzhan Vong remained opposed to any sort of surrender, those who returned to Coruscant were transported to Zonama Sekot. The planet, which was actually the offspring of Yuuzhan'tar, took the Yuuzhan Vong and fled into hyperspace, to find a new home somewhere in the Unknown Regions. (VP, DTO, HT, T, DW, FH1, SWI66, NJOSB, UF)

Yuuzhan Vong Hunter One
see YVH 1 (SBS)

Yuuzhan Vong War
this was the name given to the five-year span of history in which the Yuuzhan Vong launched their invasion of the New Republic. (WOTC)

this was the name, coined by Garm Bel Iblis, for the YVH 1 combat droid. (SBS)

this was the name of the long-lost homeworld of the Yuuzhan Vong race. In the native language of the Yuuzhan Vong, the name meant "Creche' of the Gods." It had been abandoned many millennia ago, when the Yuuzhan Vong fled into space to seek out a new galaxy in which to live. Much of the planet was governed by the predatory nature of its indigenous species, a characteristic which manifested itself in the social consciousness of the Yuuzhan Vong. Some 25 years after the Battle of Endor, after the Yuuzhan Vong began their invasion of the galaxy, they targetted the planet Coruscant as a replacement for Yuuzhan'tar. In addition to the fact that Coruscant was located near the center of the galaxy, the loss of the capital planet would serve to fracture the already brittle New Republic. Master Shaper Ch'Gang Hool oversaaw the development of several dhuryam candidates, and allowed Vergere and Nom Anor to allow Jacen Solo to interact with the candidates. After taking Coruscant from the Republic and destroying all its orbital satellites, skyhooks, and other technology, the planet was seeded with lichens and mosses which broke down the various building materials used to construct the city-world. Then, once the World Brain was installed in a yorik coral bunker, Vongforming began in earnest. Within months, Coruscant's urban landscape had been transformed into a passable simulacrum of Yuuzhan'tar. The Yuuzhan Vong went so far as to destroy one of Coruscant's larger moons, using the debris to create the Rainbow Bridge and further seed the planetary resources. Immense dovin basals dragged Coruscant into a tighter orbit around its star, giving the planet a more tropical atmosphere. However, Jacen Solo's relationship with the dhuryam that controlled the planet and its reformation was seemingly stronger than any relationship the dhuryam had to a Yuuzhan Vong, for it agreed to help him cause all manner of trouble with the completion of Coruscant's transformation. Eventually, this forced Supreme Overlord Shimrra to command a huge sacrifice be made to the gods, to show them that the planet - and the galaxy - was ready for conquering. This ceremony was thwarted by the Shamed Ones who rallied behind the message of the Prophet, Yu'shaa. Shortly afterward, the Yuuzhan Vong on the planet awoke to find that the living planet of Zonama Sekot had traveled from across the galaxy into a position above the planet. Zonama Sekot destroying the Rainbow Bridge which had been created in orbit around the planet, and scattered the remaining three moons into new locations. This set off a number of seismic events that rocked the planet to its core, damaging or destroying the work of the Yuuzhan Vong. The sudden appearance of the planet forced the Yuuzhan Vong military leaders to break off their attack on Mon Calamari and return to the Core. During the final battle for control of the galaxy, Zonama Sekot acted purely in a defensive mode, choosing to "fight without fighting" against the Yuuzhan Vong. After the deaths of Shimrra and Onimi forced the alien invaders to surrender, Sekot revealed that the planet - as well as its own consciousness - were actually the offspring of long-lost Yuuzhan'tar. The ancient planet had shed a piece of itself and flung it into the intergalactic void, hoping that someday it would awaken and evolve into a new homeworld for the Yuuzhan Vong. The Galactic Alliance, acting with this knowledge and the advice of Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, agreed to spare any Yuuzhan Vong who surrendered. These individuals were transferred to Zonama Sekot, which welcomed them with open arms as long as they chose to ignore their warring ways and try to live in peace. Zonama Sekot then fled into the Unknown Regions to allow the Yuuzhan Vong to find their way in peace. (DJ, T, FP, UF)

Yuvern System
a planetary system located in the Oplovis Sector, Yuvern was the site of an Alliance battle with the Oplovis fleet during the height of the Galactic Civil War. (RASB)

this was the Jawa word for "yes". (TG)

meaning "negative" - or, more literally, "empty", in reference to a phase of Rodia's moon - this was one of the most common names among Rodian females. These names generally described characteristics of historical individuals, and different Rodian clans used up to three names to describe an individual. (GCG)

this was the name of the language spoken by the Yuzzem race. There was no written form of the Yuzz language, which was made up of a collection of growls, roars, and mewls which were unpronounceable by other races. (UANT)

this race of fur-covered humanoids was native to the planet Ragna III. They were feline in stature, with long snouts and tremendous strength. They awee tall aliens with a tempermental disposition. Their massive arms reach all the way to the ground, even when standing, and ended in huge hands. They were reported to have the strength and stamina of three men, and also suffered from long, intense hangovers when they get drunk. They were enslaved by the Empire and used in labor camps. Luke and Leia team up with two Yuzzem after escaping from Grammel's prison on Mimban. (SME, EGA)

an alien race native to Endor's forest moon, Yuzzums were actually a variety of fur-covered mammals who were part of the same zoological family as the Ewoks. They had round, furry bodies supported by long, thin legs. These long legs were used to keep the Yuzzum's head just barely above the savanna grasses of the Dragon's Pelt, where the Yuzzumi hunted for ruggers. Their wide mouths were filled with pointed teeth, and their eyes seemed to glow. Rather than walking, the Yuzzumi rode about on large, three-meter-tall spider-like creatures. Individual Yuzzum had a fair amount of intelligence, but seemed incapable of understanding other lifeforms. They were once taken off the Sanctuary Moon and sold as pets, but their nature did not make them very good pets. The Yuzzum had a musical language, and many - like Joh Yowza - found employment offworld as singers. As a people, the Yuzzum were a warlike race, although this trait often overshadowed their natural cunning and curiosity. Individual Yuzzum were known to reach the age of fifty standard years or more. (HTTE, AT, ISU, CCG7, GORW)

this was the native language of the Yuzzumi race. It was considered by many linguists to have been the root language of Ewokese. The Yuzzum language was unusual in that it was based on songs, and lacked any written form. (IWST, GORW)

see Yuzzum (HTTE)

this was the first of Corellian Engineering Corporation's YV-series transports, produced during the early years of the New Order. Technically, the YV-series was superior to the popular YT-series, but lacked the YT's upgradability. The YV-100 was shaped like an arrowhead, with a box-like cockpit mounted on a central spine. The main hull resembled that of the YT-1300, while two large sublight engines and two ion engines were mounted across the flatten rear section. Although the ship was moderately powered, this allowed CEC to sell the ships at a reduced cost. At 46.5 meters in length, the YV-100 was one of the larger ships produced in this YV series, and it required a pilot and co-pilot to operate. It could transport up to ten passengers and 150 metric tons of cargo, and was armed with a pair of blaster cannons and two laser cannons. (GMR2)

this Corellian Engineering Corporation light freighter measured 41.5 meters in length, and produced during the last years of the Old Republic. (TF)

this Corellian Engineering Corporation freighter design incorporated the rectangular cockpit of the earlier YV-100 transport, but was created as a smaller ship for individual use. At 26 meters in length, the YV-330 was easy to operate, but suffered from the lack of upgradability which plagued the YV series. In its stock form, the YV-330 was armed with a pair of blaster cannons, and could transport up to six passengers and 5 metric tons of cargo. Many owners paid extra to have their YV-3300's upgraded to support additional weaponry, for added protection from pirates. (GMR2, TCG8)

this Corellian Engineering Corporation freighter was developed to replace the aging YT-series freighters, but it never quite gained the popularity of its predecessor. The YV-545 had a long, tall, narrow hull, with the cockpit and living space located at the top. The engine section was distinguished by a pair of maneuvering fins. This design made the YV-545 more maneuverable and a bit sturdier than the YT-series, but it lacked the visual appeal of the YT-1300. (RESB)

this was a type of sublight drive system used by Suwantek Systems on the TL-1800 transport. It was extremely reliable, requiring only yearly maintenance. (SS)

this Corellian Engineering Corporation freighter was produced during the height of the New Order. It had the familiar saucer-shaped hull of the YT-series, but had its two forward mandible arms mounted at the outer edge of the hull, oppose one another. The drive section was similar to that of a YT-1300. In between the two mandibles were four escape pods. The cockpit was mounted on the right side of the ship, at the base of the right-hand mandible. While the YV-664 possessed a balanced combination of speed, cargo space, and durability, the positioning of the cockpit caused many blindspots for pilots. (TCG3)

this Corellian Engineering Coroporation light freighter design was unique in shape from many other transports. It had a large, rectangular main section at the front of the ship that was used for cargo storage. A small bridge pod was mounted on the front end of the rectangle. The rear of the ship was needle-shaped power core and engine drive system. Attached to this rear section were a pair of extendable maneuvering vanes. The ship measured twenty-three meters in length. (EGC, EGV, NEGV)

this Corellian Engineering Corporation light freighter as produced during the early years of the New Republic. (SBS)

this was the last of the YV-series transports produced by the Corellian Engineering Corporation. At 22 meters in length, the YV-929 was a small ship that was marketed as an "armed freighter," designed to give small shippers and merchants a fighting chance to survive pirate raids and ambushes. Built on the same keel as the original YV-100, the fuselage of the YV-929 was enhanced with a pair of external bays that increased its cargo capacity. A domed "parlor" was added below the cockpit, in an effort to make the ship appeal to a more civilian audience. Unfortunately, all of these structural modifications left the YV-929 with little integrity. Many of these ships started popping their seems as soon as the shields were breached, limiting the ship's ability to survive a firefight. The YV-929 was armed with a pair of double turbolaser cannons, two ion cannons, two triple blasters, and four concussion missile launchers. The basic crew included a pilot and three gunners, and could carry up to six passengers and 150 metric tons of cargo. (GMR2)

this planet, located within the Kathol Rift, was the homeworld of the Yvarema race. It was a dry, temperate planet of low mountains and fungus-covered plains. It orbited a blue-white star in Kathol Sector. The average day on Yvara lasted 36 standard hours, while its year lasted 453 local days. (KR)

this species of humanoids was one of the rare examples of a hive mind which evolved in a non-insectoid, mammalian species. There were no mindless drones in Yvarema soceity, and each individual was able to develop a personality on its own. However, their intelligence was ensconced in the being known as the Majjvara, while the Majjvara was completely dependent on the rest of Yvarema society for her survival. The average Yvarema was a bulky humanoid with furred head and shoulders, a scaled torso and legs, and a short, thick tail. Their society was broken into four distinct groups, in addition to the Majjvara herself. Workers were the most common Yvarema, being neuter individuals with strong muscles and great stamina. Explorer-scouts had a fat- and water-storing hump on their backs, and were thinner than the workers. Their role was to locate food and resources for the group. Lore gatherers are among the longest-lived Yvarema, second only to the Majjvara in longevity. Their role is to act as librarians and scholars for Yvarema society. The royal explorers were extremely limited in number, and were developed during the modern era of the galaxy after the Yvarema discovered space travel. Unfortunately for the Yvarema, their strong bodies and limited individual intelligence made them prime targets for slavers who worked in the Kathol Outback. Those Yvarema who were separated from their homeworld felt an unending urge to return to their homeworld of Yvara. (KR)

Yves Arsen
this Cerean male was the owner and operator of the Spirited Spirits shop in Hedrett, on the planet Cularin, during the years following the Battle of Naboo. (EOS)

developed by Tenandro Arms and known as Yuuzhan Vong Hunters, this was a line of specially-programmed military droids, designed to combat the increasingly dangerous Yuuzhan Vong threat to the galaxy. First activated some twenty-seven years after the Battle of Yavin, the YVH-1 was given top-of-the-line search-and-indentify engineering, allowing it to distinguish between the alien invaders and the citizens of the New Republic. It was heavily armed, having a variable-output blaster cannon in its right arm and an adaptable left arm which could accept heavy lasers, projectile launchers, and sonic rifles. The YVH 1 was protected by layers of laminanium armor, giving the droid regenerative armor plating. In stature, the YVH-1 was strikingly similar to a Yuuzhan Vong warrior, although it was never learned if this was intentional and meant to provoke the alien invaders. Because of their appearance, they were often referred to as Yuuzhandroids. As the war against the Yuuzhan Vong wore on, Lando Calrissian had the droids programmed with coded messages for use as war cries. More often than not, the war cries were in the Yuuzhan Vong language, and made known the fact that machines were superior to the Yuuzhan Vong. (SBS, EL1)

YVH 1-1A
this was the designation of the very first YVH 1 prototype combat droid, produced by Tendrando Arms and demonstrated to Chief of State Borsk Fey'lya, some two years into the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy. Despite having most of its targeting and combat programming disabled or inhibited because of the public nature of the demonstration, YVH 1-1A nonentheless positively identified the Yuuzhan Vong assassins smuggled onto Coruscant by Bjork Umi and eliminated them. When YVH 1-1A realized that its blasters had been set permanently to a low-power setting, it was forced to revert to other methods of attacking the assassins, including crushing a Yuuzhan Vong warrior in its arms. YVH 1-1A was later assigned to the Jedi strike force which was allowed to be captured by the Yuuzhan Vong, in an effort to infiltrate the worldship laboratory near Myrkr and destroy the voxin queen. YVH 1-1A identified Anakin Solo as the commander of the mission, and referred to the other members as "Private," in keeping with the seemingly military nature of the mission. YVH 1-1A then served as the leader of the droid forces on the mission, coordinating the activities of YVH 2-1S and YVH 2-4S. After ensuring that the Jedi strike team was aboard the Exquisite Death, YVH 1-1A returned to Lando Calrissian. During the evacuation of the planet Coruscant, YVH 1-1A was instrumental in recovering Ben Skywalker and C-3PO from the hold of the Byrt. 1-1A then traveled to Borleias with the remnants of the New Republic. Over time, YVH 1-1A began to develop a personality, and spent a great deal of time harassing Lando. 1-1A and Lando were assigned as pilots of the Record Time, during Luke Skywalker's plan to filtrate Coruscant. The pair had to fake the destruction of the ship, allowing Luke's insertion team to reach the surface while escaping themselves. (SBS, EL1)

YVH 1-24A
this Tendrando Arms Yuuzhan Vong Hunter One droid was part of the team assembled by Lando Calrissian to rescue Ben Skywalker and C-3PO from the hold of the Byrt during the evacuation of Coruscant, when the Yuuzhan Vong attacked the capital of the New Republic. (SBS)

YVH 1-25A
this Tendrando Arms Yuuzhan Vong Hunter One droid was part of the team assembled by Lando Calrissian to rescue Ben Skywalker and C-3PO from the hold of the Byrt during the evacuation of Coruscant, when the Yuuzhan Vong attacked the capital of the New Republic. Unfortunately for the droid, it was the first to encounter a Yuuzhan Vong singularity mine aboard the ship, and was destroyed when it was sucked into the miniature black hole. (SBS)

YVH 1-302A
this was one of the first Tendrando Arms YVH 1 droids provided to General Ba'tra during the Second Battle of Coruscant. (SBS)

YVH 1-32A
this Tendrando Arms Yuuzhan Vong Hunter One droid was part of the team assembled by Lando Calrissian to rescue Ben Skywalker and C-3PO from the hold of the Byrt during the evacuation of Coruscant, when the Yuuzhan Vong attacked the capital of the New Republic. (SBS)

YVH 1-507A
this was one of the Tendrando Arms YVH 1 combat droids assigned to protect Han and Leia Organa Solo, some two years after the Yuuzhan Vong first invaded the galaxy. Its primary mission was to protect the Solos, but it was also responsible for the life of Ben Skywalker, who was stayed on Coruscant with them. YVH 1-507A discovered that a pair of Yuuzhan Vong had infiltrated the Eastport docking facility, and eliminated them before they could harm anyone. YVH 1-507A later ascertained that Viqi Shesh was using an ooglith masquer while posing as the refugee woman Welda, thereby thwarting Shesh's attempt to harm the Solos. However, Shesh had left behind an active thermal detonator. In a valiant effort to save as many people as it could, YVH 1-507A took the detonator to an empty docking bay and allowed it to explode. The droid was vaporized in the resulting explosion. (SBS)

YVH 2-1S
this was one of two Tendrando Arms Yuuzhan Vong Hunter S-series droids assigned to the Jedi Knight strike team which tried to eliminate the voxyn queen at Myrkr, some two years into the alien invasion of the galaxy. Along with YVH 2-4S, YVH 2-1S rode along in the hold of the Stardream until Duman Yaght and the Exquisite Death intercepted the yacht. While the Jedi were being impounded, the two droids attached themselves to the exterior of the Exquisite Death and awaited a signal from Anakin Solo to begin their attack. YVH 2-1S took heavy fire during the capture of the Yuuzhan Vong warship, and had to undergo extensive repairs in order to remain functional. The repairs did little to make the droid operational, and 2-1S made the ultimate sacrifice by allowing itself to assist in helping Ulaha Kore escape from Myrkr. While the Bith fled in the Exquisite Death, 2-1S flew into space and detonated a huge explosive device, destroying itself in order to take out the Yuuzhan Vong ships which moved to intercept Kore. (SBS)

YVH 2-4S
this was one of two Tendrando Arms Yuuzhan Vong Hunter S-Series droids assigned to the Jedi Knight strike team which tried to eliminate the voxyn queen at Myrkr, some two years into the alien invasion of the galaxy. Along with YVH 2-1S, YVH 2-4S rode along in the hold of the Stardream until Duman Yaght and the Exquisite Death intercepted the yacht. While the Jedi were being impounded, the two droids attached themselves to the exterior of the Exquisite Death and awaited a signal from Anakin Solo to begin their attack. Once the Jedi had control of the ship, they were able to reach Myrkr, but their attempt to infiltrate the Baanu Rass was initially thwarted. YVH 2-4S allowed itself to be destroyed in the space above the worldship, thereby providing a distraction that allowed the surviving Jedi to get abaord it. (SBS)

YVH S-series
developed by Tendrando Arms, this was a specialized version of the Yuuzhan Vong Hunter One combat droid. It was given a unique form of laminanium armor plating, which had the ability to mimic the surroundings of the droid and provide excellent camouflage. (SBS)

this combat droid was derived from the original YVH-1 Yuuzhan Vong Hunter droid. Lando Calrissian and his confederates took the central processing unit of the lumbering YVH-1 and extracted the key programming, then stored it in a miniature processor that fit inside the chassis of an MSE-6 mouse droid. This new droid had several advantages over the larger unit. First, it could move about in almost any location, following any individual it suspected of being a Yuuzhan Vong infiltrator. Second, because mouse droids were used throughout the galaxy, and because nobody ever paid them any heed, the YVH-M could move about in virtual obscurity while it searched for possible Yuuzhan Vong individuals. (DW)

this was the first of the YVH-M droids produced by Lando Calrissian. It was given to Mara Jade Skywalker, who used the droid to locate Yuuzhan Vong infiltrators on Heurkea, shortly before the Battle of Ebaq. (DW)

Yvonne Targis
this near-human female was the proprietor of Mos Eisley's transport depot. (GG7)

this was the common name of the Koensayr BTL Longprobe Starfighter. Originally designed for long range reconnaissance, this J-type snub fighter has twin-propulsion systems behind a single cockpit. The BTL-A4 is a 16-meter-long, one-man fighter with space for an astromech droid. The BTL-S3 is a two-man fighter, also equipped with an astromech droid. They can make 80 MGLT at sublight speeds, and can maneuver at 1,000 kilometers per hour in an atmosphere. Because the Y-Wing required constant repairs, the Alliance - and many other independent parties - stripped off the outer hull covering the craft, aft of the cockpit, to make repairs easier to execute. The durability of the Y-Wing made it a staple in the Alliance's starfighter corps, and it was rumored that the Alliance lost more Y-Wings than any other ship type during the Galactic Civil War. It boasts the following shipboard systems:

  • Gax Revival Life Support System
  • R2 Astromech Unit for Navigation
  • 2 ArMek SW4 Laser Cannons mounted on top
  • Titanium Reinforced Alusteel Alloy Hull (rated at 40 RU)
  • Thiodyne O-3R Ionization Reactor
  • Koensayr R300-H Hyperdrive Motivation Unit
  • Long Range Phased Tachyon Detection Array Model Number PA-9r
  • Short Range Primary Threat Analysis Grid Number PG-7u
  • 2 Disk Ventrals for maneuvering
  • Cryogenic Power Cells
  • Subpro NH-7 Avionics Control Package
  • Fabritech ANs-5d Sensor Unit
  • SI 5G7 Quickscan Vector Imaging Crosshairs
  • 2 Koensayr R200 Ion Fission Engines
  • 2 Taim and Bak KX5 Laser Cannons mounted on nose (early versions and many BTL-S3's used IX4 cannons)
  • Novaldex Power Generator
  • Chempat Shield Projector (rated at 75 SBD)
  • Fabritech ANc-2.7 Tracking Computer
  • Arakyd Flex Tube Proton Torpedo Launchers (2 racks of 4 each)

Note that there was a specially-built version of the Y-Wing bomber which appeared in the Marvel Comics Star Wars series, which had a cockpit that was big enough for four beings to move about in comfortably. It even had an airlock which allowed its occupants to move from ship to ship. (SW, SCRE, SWSB, IG1, ICS, CHRN, LTA2)

Ywllandr System
this star system saw heavy fighing during the final stages of the Clone Wars. The Confederacy of Independent Systems initially took control of the system, using it as the choke point in a scheme which forced Republic starships to travel through the system to reach other parts of the Outer Rim Territories. Jedi Master Plo Koon took the Courageous and a small fleet to the Ywllandr System, and tried to remove the Separatist threat. (E3N)

this droid motivation unit was developed by Cybot Galactica for use in the TDL-501 series of waitress droids. (MJH)

Yyegar Sugar
this was considered the sweetest and finest sugar available in the galaxy, during the last years of the Old Republic. (MBS)

this man, a native of Elshandruu Pica, served as the cook aboard The Prishellan Dawn during the last years of the New Order. (GUN)

the yellow star that is the center of the Yyrtan System. (SWJ1)

one of the earliest Corellian Engineering Corporation transport designs, they were considered outdated during the period surrounding the Battle of Naboo. (RP)

this Corellian Engineering Corporation transport was promoted as a ship that would allow merchants to protect their cargoes from ambushes and raids. However, this claim was taken with a grain of salt when it came to its actual design. The YZ-775 was adapted from the design of the Corellian Gunship, measured 52 meters in length, and was armed with a pair of turbolaser cannons, two twin laser cannons, and two proton torpedo tubes. Its crew of eight handled all shipboard systems, and the YZ-775 could transport up to fourteen passengers and 400 metric tons of cargo. Its huge sublight engines and enhanced shield systems made the YZ-775 more of a paramilitary transport than a shipping vessel. Despite its military appearance, the YZ-775 found its greatest acceptance among independent cargo haulers. (GMR2, GMR9)

following in the tradition of the YZ-775, the Corellian Engineering Corporation's YZ-900 was capital ship-sized cargo vessel which appeared to be more of a paramilitary assault craft. Measuring 54.3 meters in length, the YZ-900 was armed with a pair of heavy twin laser cannons, two double laser cannons, and a pair of concussion missile launchers that fired fore and aft. The YZ-900 required a crew of eight to operate, including gunners, and could carry up to fourteen passengers and 500 metric tons of cargo. (GMR2)

Yzalli, Eamon
this was Corran Horn's alias when he went undercover and worked for Mosh Barris on Garqi. Yzalli was a native of Alderaan who devised a clever plan to expose the rebellion on Garqi, but he would actually free them from Barris' prisons and implicate the Prefect as a traitor to the Empire. Yzalli was to be executed by Barris for his "treachery," but instead sent a coded message to Kirtan Loor. The message implicated Barris in the escape of the Star's Delight, and claimed that he was planning to usurp Governor Tadrin and turn Garqi over to the New Republic. Horn later used the Yzalli alias, this time as a ship's mechanic aboard the Mimban Cloudrider when Rogue Squadron first pirated from Ysanne Isard's bacta cartel. (TFE, BW, SWJ7)

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