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Version Four News Archive

Version 4.4 - December 2002

Changes from Version 4.3 (November 2002):

This is a web-only update, as there were no new entries added to the encyclopdia database. The only things that changed were the categorization fields for each entry, as I have finally completed the addition of category information for everything in the encyclopedia. Whew! Bet you never thought you'd hear that!

The only download that changed was the complete Access database file. The HTML code would not have changed, since it currently doesn't contain category data. Also, the existing ASP Files download will run with the new encyclopedia database, so you can reuse the Version 4.3 ASP Files if you have them locally.

Version 4.3 - November 8, 2002

Thanks to the Multimedia staff at TF.N, certain entries in the Encyclopedia now have links to images! The Image URL space now contains links to the ImageFolio collection maintained at TF.N, so web-based readers can see what I'm talking about. I also added the ability to recognize old entries which were modified in the current edition, which are now displayed in green text.
Please note that I am in the process of getting all the entries categorized. As of this edition, I have just under 9,000 more to go. ( :-0 ) I plan to have a web-only edition in December 2002, to finalize the categorization. So, if you see an entry with a last-update date of 7/10/2002, it was corrected for grammar or italics during the categorization process. This allows me to have the modified entries reflect only those entries which were modified for content, and not just cosmetics.

Changes from Version 4.2 (July 2002):

Version 4.2 - July 26, 2002

The encyclopedia now has over 35,000 entries!

This edition will provide additional information from Star Wars Episode II - Attack of the Clones along with other good stuff.

Changes from Version 4.1 (May 2002):

July 11, 2002

Made a few changes and fixes to the Categories ASP page (thanks to William for catching this one...kinda surprised no one else did!). Also updated the main page to reflect the current state of affairs in my source needs.

Version 4.1, May 2002

This is the unofficial "Attack of the Clones" encyclopedia edition, compiling as much as I can from the new film, plus anything else I can squeeze in. I've still got the Star Wars Episode II Visual Dictionary and Star Wars Episode II Incredible Cross-Sections to put in yet!

Changes from Version 4.0 (February 2002):

Version 4.0, February 2002

The encyclopedia now has a new interface, and will start being numbered with a new version each year. As you use the new interface, please be aware that not every entry in the database has been categorized yet. I only started with 32,000 of them!

Changes from Version 3.03 (December 2001):

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