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Version One News Archive

Version One, Tenth Edition, May 2000

Changes from Version One, Ninth Edition (January 2000):

February 2000 Many thanks to ThunderHud for showing me a way to have the navigation bar reformat the surrounding text, thereby eliminating the "hidden text" effect. Visit The Coalition of Galactic Fleets by clicking here!
Ninth Edition, January 2000 Well, here I am in my Ninth Edition, and things are still going - and growing - strong in the Star Wars universe. I've modified the navigation around the site by removing the old frames page and using the neat toolbar at the left. Thanks for the HTML code go to Belden Twenn (a.k.a. Jeff Tomchak). Please send me a note if you have trouble with the navigation toolbar.

Changes from Version One, Eighth Edition (September 1999):

Eighth Edition, September 1999
Changes from Version One, Seventh Edition (June 1999):
Seventh Edition, June 1999

Changes from Version One, Sixth Edition (November 1998):

Sixth Edition, November 1998

Changes from Version One, Fifth Edition (April 1998):

Fifth Edition, April 1998

Changes from Version One, Fourth Edition (December 1997):

Fourth Edition, December 1997

Changes from Version One, Third Edition (June 1997):

Third Edition, June 1997

Changes from Version One, Second Edition (July 1996):

Second Edition, July 1996

Changes from Version One, First Edition (January 1994):

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