This essay is from Fen Kortiay
Published on December 16, 2000
The Sanskrit meaning of Padme
I thought your readers might be interested to know that the word "Padme" means "lotus" in sanskrit. It's part of an extremely famous chant still used by Tibetan Buddhists and many other Asians (and a few Californians). The chant is:
"Om Mani Padme Hum", usually translated literally as "Oh, the Jewel of the Lotus", translated metaphorically as "Oh, my God within me" (Mani Padme - the jewel within the lotus; the jewel is the Boddhisatva Avalokitesvara or God or the Spritually awakened man).
The picture is the mantra written in Sanskrit.
Sanskrit dictionary ,
It seems unlikely that this might be a coincidence: the words to "Duel of the Fates" are also in sanskrit.
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