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This report is by Chris
Published on October 23rd, 2003

Meeting Hayden Christensen
39th Annual Chicago International Film Festival
October 16th, 2003

(click on images to enlarge)

Just wanted to share some stuff regarding a screening of SHATTERED GLASS I attended last night at the Music Box Theatre, which closed the 39th Annual Chicago International Film Festival.

As a film itself, director Billy Ray did a remarkable job creating a short, tight and vastly entertaining flick about one of the truly great con men of his time, Stephen Glass, the infamous (pre-Jayson Blair) yellow journalist that gave The New Republic one heck of a ride in 1998. I'm sure you know the rest of the story, so I won't bore with the particulars.

The evening went without a hitch as I was one of the first one's there and was able to be right up against the barricades surrounding the "red carpet" prepared for Hayden Christensen, Peter Sarsgaard and Billy Ray. As soon as Hayden popped out of the limo, camera flashes went off and people began thrusting STAR WARS DVD's and photos in Hayden's direction, which he graciously signed only 3 or 4 of. His bodyguard happened to glance back and see my unraveled ATTACK OF THE CLONES IMAX one-sheet, saw the 20 or so autographs on it, said "WOW! Look at that!", tugged at Hayden's jacket and lured him back to me where he proceeded to sign the poster with a metallic Sharpie (registered trademark here).

I was floored!!!! 5 people out of 350 in attendance got autographs and I was one of them!

We all file in and the press has the actors/director cornered in the lobby, so we all sit down in the theatre. Again, the movie was fantastic! Any doubts I had about Christensen's acting ability (based on a wooden performance in CLONES) went out the window, and Sarsgaard put in yet another solid job as well! And, though they were not at the screening, Steve Zahn and Hank Azaria showed off some excellent dramatic teeth as well!

After the screening, the trio took Q & A's from the audience for about a half hour, but I was shocked to hear not one single STAR WARS question directed at Hayden...not a one! Hayden was very quiet throughout the Q & A...Billy Ray and Sarsgaard took on virtually all of the questions themselves.

After the events, I was able to score Sarsgaard and Rays' autographs...Hayden was immediately led to a locked and guarded limo as soon as the Q & A ended to prevent a mob scene. But as I walked by the limo to cross the street, Hayden and I made eye contact and, pointing down to the poster, I gave him a thumbs up...he then returned the gesture with a smile and his own thumbs up.

Again, an excellent film and certainly a memorable evening for all, especially for this guy!

See the attached pics from the screening...sorry for the red glare in one of them, a mixture of bad exterior lighting and disposable camera cheapness on my part.

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