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The Vintage Collection Is Back!

The Vintage Collection Wave 7 Review

Posted By Curto on July 18, 2011

This marks the first all-new, all-different wave of action figures in Hasbro's The Vintage Collection. This wave was originally planned to be the first of the mixed waves, but due to schedule changes it ended up being the second. Whatever the case may be, it's a pretty great wave of six figures from The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, Attack of the Clones, & Expanded Universe.

VC50: Han Solo (Bespin Outfit):
Han Solo (Bespin Outfit)
Han Solo (Bespin Outfit) Han Solo (Bespin Outfit) Han Solo (Bespin Outfit)
Like many Star Wars fans from my generation, Han Solo is my favorite character in the entire saga. He flew the most iconic spaceship ever (with the exception of the Enterprise, and possibly the TARDIS), had a cool sidekick, understood the languages of all aliens in the film (he didn't speak them, but he knew what they were saying), and he ended up with the girl!

The Vintage Kenner action figure was always my favorite. Whenever my childhood friends and I got together, I made sure I had Bespin Han by my side (after all, it was MY Millennium Falcon, so I got to be Han!). I even have the Vintage Kenner figure on my official Rebelscum.com business card! There have been numerous Bespin Han Solo figures over the years, but in recent years, it seems like he has been overlooked somewhat. That all changes with this figure. Hasbro has done a great job capturing the character in this figure, giving him all the super-articulated goodness you'd expect.

Sure, the holster could have been handled a little differently, by including a strap around his leg, like was done with other figures, but overall this is the best version we've seen for this outfit.

The accessories included here are a blaster, a hydrospanner, and goggles. Gotta keep flying!

VC51: Barriss Offee (Jedi Padawan):
Barriss Offee (Jedi Padawan)
Barriss Offee (Jedi Padawan) Barriss Offee (Jedi Padawan) Barriss Offee (Jedi Padawan)
One of the new Jedi introduced in Episode II, Barriss Offee has been sort of on the backburner when it comes to getting action figures of her. She was made back in 2003, during the time when Hasbro was experimenting with "action features" and "dynamic poses" and she sported flowing robes and a face that well, only a Jedi Master could love. This year, Barris gets an upgrade with this realistic figure (not to mention she also just got an animated figure as well)!

This figure does away with all of that, and Hasbro has captured her likeness down in a subtle way, with super-articulation so she can still achieve those dynamic poses, but also stand sup straight and neutral when she's in a council session. The deco is simple, yet well-done, capturing her unique outfit from the film.

Like other figures in this line, Barriss comes with 2 lightsabers...actually, the same lightsaber, one "on" and one "off". The "off" version has a peg on it which can be plugged into the figure's belt.

Other accessories include a soft goods skirt than looks great when folded back and standing still, but is REALLY poofy when released...perhaps an attempt at capturing the flowing style from the original figure, but it does allow the legs to be posed in a variety of positions.

A controversial decision to change the soft goods robe to a sculpted plastic one is really a good move. The sculpted cape allows for the skirt to be tucked away and honestly, soft goods hoods never really work in this scale.

VC52: Rebel Fleet Trooper:
Rebel Fleet Trooper
Rebel Fleet Trooper Rebel Fleet Trooper Rebel Fleet Trooper
More than any other figure in The Vintage Collection, perhaps none have been so eagerly-anticipated as the Rebel Fleet Trooper. One of the first characters EVER seen in the saga, this army-builder has had an interesting history: a way-too-tall and too-buff version in the Power of the Force 2 line, and the upgraded version in Power of the Jedi, which was great for the time with innovative articulation points, it doesn't hold up so much by today's standards.

This new version delivers a super-articulated army-builder figure that is sure to be a hit with fans. Plus, in order to create a little variety in the Rebel troops, there are additional accessories that can be used. If you look closely at the Yavin IV ceremony, you can see that not all troopers wear the same outfit. The boot bandolier plugs into the right leg and wraps around it, giving some extra ammunition. The "off-duty" hat and scanners are nice additions, but the most obvious accessory that's missing is a holster to store the pistol. Also, during Toy Fair, a staff was shown as an additional accessory, for the trooper who watched over the temple, but this has been dropped. When the inevitable repack happens for this figure, hopefully we'll see that added back in.

Although Hasbro doesn't often take into account head-swapping with the Star Wars line, quite a few other human heads can fit onto this figure, allowing for a greater variety for trooper builders. Overall, a great figure...despite the missing holster.

VC53: Bom Vimdin (Cantina Patron):
Bom Vimdin (Cantina Patron)
Bom Vimdin (Cantina Patron) Bom Vimdin (Cantina Patron) Bom Vimdin (Cantina Patron)
All joking aside, this horned cantina alien poses a question...WHY hasn't Hasbro ever made him before now? Well, it turns out, they thought they DID! Bom Vimdin has been in the infamous Hasbro "parking lot" for some many years now, they thought they already made him by now! Well, once they realized the truth, they spared no expense getting this guy added to the line.

Really, this guy has been well worth the wait. Super-articulated more than he really needed to be (fans would expect no less, of course), but his outfit is one of the most detailed sculpts that Hasbro has attempted, and they nailed it. The deco is a little muddy, which only adds to the "used universe" look of the Classic Trilogy, so that's a good thing.

Accessory-wise, Bom comes with a blaster -- that fits in his holster! >ahem< -- as well as a rifle and a drinking glass. Everything you need for an Advozse smuggler to kick back and enjoy a drink at Chalmun's.

VC54: ARC Trooper Commander (Captain Fordo):
ARC Trooper Commander (Captain Fordo)
ARC Trooper Commander (Captain Fordo) ARC Trooper Commander (Captain Fordo) ARC Trooper Commander (Captain Fordo)
Arguably one of the most memorable characters from the first series of the Clone Wars micro-series from 2003, this ARC Trooper Commander has a surprisingly LONG action figure history, as Hasbro has time and time again simply repainted an ARC Trooper figure or kit-bashed a version in order to get him added to the line. Yet each time (with the exception of the animated-style figure from 2005), there was something that just wasn't quite right about him. Thankfully Lucasfilm has lifted the ban on more action figures based on characters from this show long enough for Hasbro to take one more crack at him...resulting in the definitive version of the character now known as Captain Fordo (for some reason, he's still not called by his name, but we know better!)

This figure of Fordo uses the same super-articulated Clone Trooper figure as in wave 6, but now with specific gear to recreate the iconic look of the character from the series. This includes a removable helmet, quick draw-style holsters (although they don't actually allow this feature, the split-open style does allow for the large-barreled blasters to be inserted into them without sacrificing the thickness of the barrels.)

While all of these improvements would be great by themselves, Hasbro has taken it one step further and included extra accessories to recreate Fordo in his "Phase II" armor from the third series. Glimpsed briefly during the Battle of Coruscant sequence, Fordo jumps into the thick of battle and blast some battle droids! By making the accessories on this figure to be interchangeable, you essentially get 2 figures in one...what a deal!

I'm not entirely sure what source is used for the head sculpt, but it's definitely unique for a Clone Trooper. A good thing.

VC55: Logray (Ewok Medicine Man):
Logray (Ewok Medicine Man)
Logray (Ewok Medicine Man) Logray (Ewok Medicine Man) Logray (Ewok Medicine Man)
Rounding out this wave is a really terrific version of the Ewok Medicine Man from Endor....Logray! One of the original Ewoks from both the Vintage and Modern lines, this character was in serious need of an upgrade. Once again, Hasbro knocks it out of the park with the articulation in this line, because Logray has the most points of articulation than any other Ewok since Hasbro started revisiting these cute & cuddly little furballs since 2007. Elbows, wrists, neck, waist, hips, ankles...all on a figure that's only 2 inches tall? Most impressive.

Logray includes the usual accessories: the staff, pouch, and headgear. As an added bonus, he also includes a spear...which can be given to another Ewok or perhaps an untold tale where Logray goes on the hunt for a gorax or something.

The only negative on this figure is that the deco appears to be too dark. It's possible that the coloring of the fur is actually darker than any of the figures we've gotten to date, but more likely we'll see a running change at some point to correct this. Hasbro loves to correct little things like this. Here's hoping we see more Ewoks using this buck down the road.

Stay tuned for more updates later tonight on the official Rebelscum.com Facebook page as I head back into the studio for more photos of this seventh wave from The Vintage Collection!

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