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The Story So Far

Posted By Scott on October 26, 2000

The following is our current best guess at the plot of Episode II. It is based on officially released info, photos, spy reports from TFN and other sites, domain name info, and more. And where there are gaps, we just made stuff up as filler. So highlight to read it!

As Episode II begins, we learn that Amidala has left the throne on Naboo and has been replaced by the newly elected Queen Jamilla. Now going by the name Padme Naberrie, she represents Naboo in the Galactic Senate.

At one point, Senator Padme intercedes in a dispute between the Geonosians, the Kaminoans, the Commerce Guild, and the Intergalactic Bank Clan. She uncovers some corruption (created by Darth Sidious) and possible plans by the Neimodians to re-arm themselves. She voices this concern in the Senate.

However, after doing this, bounty hunter Zam Wesell attempts to assassinate Padme. Now a Jedi Master, Obi-Wan and Anakin prevent this from happening and chase Zam down at a club on Coruscant called Dexter's Diner. There, they attempt to interrogate the bounty hunter, but she is killed by a Kyber Dart shot from Jango Fett. Fett was hiding in the shadows and gets away.

At this point, the Jedi Council assigns Anakin Skywalker to accompany Padme back to Naboo where she'll be safe. He takes her back to the planet and meets her parents, Jobal Naberrie and Ruwee Naberrie, as well as her sisters. Jar Jar and the other Gungans come along and also vow to protect Padme.

Meanwhile, Obi-Wan goes on a quest with Plo Koon to find out more about who is behind the assassination attempt and the corruption in the Senate. He travels to a planet run by Count Dooku and discovers plans for a clone army to be created. He also tracks down Jango Fett and his young son Boba Fett. Turns out that Jango is being used as a template to make the clones. At one point, Plo Koon is killed by Jango. Jango and Obi-Wan have a deadly battle in the rain at a landing platform, but Jango and son get away in the ship Slave I.

Back on Naboo, Anakin has a vision of the future and sees his mother in great danger. At the same time, a second assasination attempt takes place on Padme. Anakin decides to take Padme into hiding back on Tatooine and find his mother. When they arrive, Anakin interrogates Watto and discovers that his mother has married Cliegg Lars. They live on the Lars Homestead (seen in A New Hope) and Anakin is rediscovers C-3PO with his mother. He now has a step-brother, Owen Lars. Anakin speaks with him about the attempts on Padme's life and they try to discern what will happen next.

On the other side of the galaxy, Obi-Wan tracks down Jango and Count Dooku to a planet run by Poggle the Lesser, and alien who specializes in creating battledroids for the Trade Federation. Poggle has had created a bunch of new super battle droids as well as the traditional Destroyer Droids and battledroids. They are also preparing to create a clone army of Clone Troopers (who later become Stormtroopers). Obi-Wan alerts the Jedi Council and an army isdispatched.

At the same time on Tatooine, Padme is attacked and kidnapped. She is taken to the same planet that Obi-Wan is on. Anakin is unsure if he can save her,but chases after her.

Mace Windu and the Jedi arrive on the planet and have a fierce battle in an arena with the droids, Jango, and a beast called the Reek. Windu kills Jango in the battle, thus sparking Boba Fett's hate for the Jedi.

Anakin is nowhere to be found, and even Yoda engages in the fight. After Anakin finally does arrive he attempts to save Padme, but fails. Obi-Wan insists she is dead, but Anakin doesn't believe a word of it. A lightsaber battle soon erupts between Obi-Wan, Windu, Anakin, Count Dooku (revealed to be Lord Tyranus), and another dark Jedi. The battle rages on, and soon Anakin believes that the only way he can save Padme is by turning to the Dark Side, despite the warnings of Obi-Wan. He turns on his master, thus leading to Episode III.

OK, there's a whopping load of plot holes here. This synopsis still is missing several key elements like Beru Whitesun, Bail Organa, Sido-Dyas, and probably much more. How do the handmaidens come into play? And Captain Typho? And Mas Amedda? There's still a lot more out there, but it will be interesting to see how this synopsis compares to the final film. How close were we?

Check back soon for updates!

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Rebelscum Breast Cancer Awareness Charity Patch
Posted By Philip on November 25, 2014:
Thanks to everybody that ordered patches. I sent a check for $1,600.00 to the National Breast Cancer Foundation on Monday. While it's not as much as I hoped for, it's still very much appreciated. They will remain for sale in the store for anybody that still wishes to purchase them. Details after the jump.

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Star Wars Night With The Tampa Bay Storm Reminder
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Catalog Details For New Essential Characters Guide
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Synopsis Posted For Star Wars: Kenobi
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