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TFU II Soundboards And A Story Tour

Posted By Mike on October 23, 2010

Starwars.com continues to pump up the multi-platform October 26th release of The Force Unleashed II with a couple new posts.

Sounds of The Force Unelashed II can now be heard and mixed over at the official Star Wars Soundboards. If you're anxious for the game, the quotes may or may not offer clues to the story.

Speaking of the story, the main site provides an introductory tour of the TFU II storyline that you can check out right here. We've included an excerpt of the introduction below but you'll have to click the link to get into the nitty gritty details.

"The saga of Starkiller continues as Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II is only days away from release -- arriving for the Sony PlayStation 3, PC, Xbox 360, Nintendo DS and Nintendo Wii. For a peek at the story -- and yes, there are spoilers here, but it's not the whole story of the game -- read on!

How do you follow up on the fastest selling Star Wars video game of all time, one with a story that has won accolades and awards from the Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences, and the Writers Guild of America? While the game-play, graphics and fast-paced action of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II builds upon on the envelope-pushing levels achieved in the first title, the story also dives into a deeper level than the already ambitious first chapter. "We have an obligation to really deliver on that story element," says lead producer Matt Fillbrandt. Writer and executive producer Haden Blackman was joined by many veterans of the first smash hit game for this new chapter. "What's great is that 90 precent of the team that worked on the first title or the downloadable content that we did post-launch came back for TFU2," explains Fillbrandt. "That is a huge leg-up when the team understands what we're trying to do, and that we're trying to iterate on a product and really improve on the original game."

The first chapter of The Force Unleashed saga introduced Starkiller, an apprentice raised in secret by Darth Vader to be his principal agent in eliminating any surviving Jedi during the early days of the Galactic Empire. By game's end, Starkiller became an unlikely hero by sparking the first embers of the Rebel Alliance, and by sacrificing himself for a greater good. "Or did he?" asks Fillbrandt. "That's the question we're putting out there for TFU2."'

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