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Star Wars Trading Card Game

Posted By Dustin on May 8, 2008

Nathanael "Ketricel" Tripp from Rebelbasers.com is calling upon the greater TFN community to help grow the online Star Wars Trading Card Game. Read more below....

First of all I would like to thank everyone at The Force.Net for the wonderful support they provide for the gaming and Star Wars community at large. Without all you have done for us we would not be where we are today. Let's give a little background to what we will be talking about. Back in 2005 when the "indefinite hold" of the Star Wars Trading Card Game was announced there was a large backlash from the community. We did not understand why you would do this to a game so near and dear to our hearts. Now three years later we have come to the conclusion that Wizards of the Coast never intend to bring this game back. However there is still a thriving and growing community of people playing the Star Wars Trading Card Game over at www.rebelbasers.com which during the glory days of the game was one of the premier forums for the game along site The Force.Net and many others. If you check over there you will notice that our community which has over 10,000 members is still playing the game we so dearly love.

You may ask how could this be, no new cards or sets have been released since Revenge of the Sith. If I may point you to the official Independent Development Committee (IDC) site which is located at http://www.skywlkr.net/idc/index.asp. To date we have developed and produced four complete sets and are in the process of work on our fifth set, sorry no spoilers just yet. During this time we have introduced new abilities and units that were not in the original run of Wizards of the Coast sets. We have also developed and maintained a program to allow for online play named LackeyCCG which can also be used to play a number of other card games online. In the past three years we have held a number of tournaments and have even had player donated prize support for these. But at recently we have come to realize that in order to take this game further than we are now we need to do more. This is where the community at The Force.Net comes into play, but first you guys should know a little bit about me since I am the one asking for your help and support.

For the first two sets made by the IDC I was the lead play tester. Which was such an honor and more work than I really imagined. But I was very proud of the product I helped bring to our community and I truly felt it was on par and in the spirit of what Wizards of the Coast had done previously with the game. Since then I have moved on to be the Organized Play Chairman, it is my responsibility to setup, oversee, and support any and all online play run by the IDC. While not as time consuming as play testing an entire set of cards, it presents itself with a new set of challenges. How do I as Organized Play Chairman make it so that people WANT to play a game with limited prize support? We have tried many different approaches such as charging for entry into online tournaments, selling T-Shirts or cards to raise money for a prize pool for tournaments. While these have met with limited success we really need to do more to make a difference.

We in all honesty need your help. We have a great staff on the IDC who loves this game and has been putting countless hours into the game on a strictly volunteer basis. But we feel that with the support of The Force.Net we could take this even further. With your help we could reach a far greater audience and make the Star Wars Trading Card Game what it always should have been. Now we are entering an era of online play, of digital download. A time when Xbox Live reigns supreme with its digital content. What we as a community and lovers of a game need is the support of a large site and community such as yourself to take notice of what a few simple players of your game can do with limited resources. With the Star Wars base you currently have that you can tap into this could in all reality be a huge hit as an online only game. I would really like to work with you, as would the rest of the IDC, together we can make the dream of this game into a reality.

Please go sign up at Rebelbasers.com and ask for assistance learning the game, we have a great community who is more than willing to assist new players. Also in the coming weeks the IDC is staring up a podcast of their own called Rebel Radio, its main purpose will be to spread the word about the game and help the community grow by being their voice in the cyber world. Again I would like to thank everyone for any support they lend in this regard, it makes me so happy to see people playing a game that means so much to me.

Nathanael "Ketricel" Tripp

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