Top Ten Phantom Menace Scenes Left on the Cutting Room Floor
by the readers of TheForce.Net
10.the Cringing Sissy
by Dolechris
9. Bullet Sponge
by Walter Danek
8. Exxon Valdez
7. The Obsequious
by Maul of America
6. S.S. Another-Billion-For-George
by Donny Ridenour
5. Bitten Donut
by Jyri
4. The 'Instigator'
by Ju Ju Bee
3. Minge the Merciless' destructo-rocket . . . 2
by Mandalore007
2. The "Bet-You-Can't-Hit-The-Central-Fusion-Reactor" Battleship
by Mandalore007
1. The Good Ship Lollipop
by Bill
10. The Toilet Seat Of Doom
by DarthKosh
9. The S.S. Easily Accessable Weak Point
by webrunner
8. The Target (pronounced: "tar-jay")
by Steve Manley
7. Little Kids Can't Hurt Us
by Catie Bormann
6. USS Bluescreen
by JFrink027
5. The Silver Lifesaver
by R. C. Hegeman
4. Darth Sidious Fan Club (D.S.F.C.)
by Majes Wasnos
3. Microsoft Windows NT, Battledroid server edition
by WannaBeFunny
2. The Federation Pinto
by Chosen1
1. Playset # 968, $74.99
by Randall Flagg
10.S.S. Main Reactor Hint-Hint
by Newt Raygun
9. Mir
by Newt Raygun
8. Gentle Daisy Rose Chrysanthumum Violet Tulip
by Star Wars Geek
7. The Nice Dark Lord Of The Sith
by Geekazoid
6. Titanic
by Obig-Wan
5. "Who Put The Generator There?" because that's what everyone said who saw it..
by Aubri
4. The Death Toroid
by Aubri
3. Home $
by Benzo-wan kenobi
2. The Big Trade Federation Battleship
by Duckboy_8
1. Nute Gunray's Love Ship
by Tyree
10. S.S. Whoops, shouldn't have gotten involved with the Sith
by Snydo
9. The Auditor
by Dan Solo
8. Ship Name: "Darth Sidious and Darth Maul are our leaders you Naboo idiots"
by leia3000
7. NOT the Droid Control Ship
by DrWHO
6. Wheel of Fortune
by Eric Robinson
5. OOM-9's joyriding space yacht
by Jeda
4. Capitalism
by Elijah
3. S.S. Naboom
by Ael
2. Big Brother
by The Creator
1. "The Everything is Shielded Except The Front Door" Battle Ship
by Ki_Adi_Mundi