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The Katurran Odyssey is a remarkable visual achievement, filled with spectacle, fantasy and wonder on every page. This epic tale of faith, hope and selfless heroism is illuminated by the stunning illustrations of Terryl Whitlatch, the principal creature designer for the Star Wars prequels, and is brought to dynamic life by the storytelling of screenwriter and author David Michael Wieger.

The story is set on Bo-hibba, an enchanting island in a faraway time and place that is populated by animals who are at once fantastic and startlingly real. The island's survival is threatened by the Long Winter, and not even the High Priest's ancient Ceremony of Renewal can put an end to the suffering from the hunger and the cold.

Katook is a small but courageous young lemur who lives in the village of Kattakuk. He dares to enter a forbidden area on the island and witnesses a shocking secret; the outraged priests banish him from the island forever. Forced to journey across the vast sea in search of a new home, Katook encounters great perils and marvels on his quest, and undergoes profound tests of trust and friendship. At last, he finds the place where the secret of the Long Winter is revealed, and where he must summon all of his courage to confront his greatest fear if he is to save his family and his home. Life is forever changed on Bo-hibba...

Like such classic works of fantasy as Tolkein's Lord of the Rings, Rien Poortvliet's Gnomes, C. S. Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia, Brian Jacques's Redwall series, and Brian Froud's Faeries, The Katurran Odyssey creates a mythic world imbued with beauty, adventure and transcendent imagination. It is a world that is different from our own - yet universal and amazingly real.

Click here to buy The Katurran Odyssey fom Amazon.com.

Click here for contest details!

"The Katurran Odyssey is remarkably beautiful. Terryl Whitlatch's boundless imagination is on full view here, and anyone who is lucky enough to spend time with The Katurran Odyssey will be richer for the experience. It's a lyrical, lovely and vibrant book."
- George Lucas

For book details, pictures, desktop wallpaper, and more,
visit the official Katurran Odyssey website

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