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Fan Fiction: Waterlogged

Posted By Britany on May 16, 2005

Here's the fifth story from the most recent Fan Fiction Archive update.

If you've got a story you'd like to submit, or you're interested in reviewing stories, check out the Fan Fiction Archive FAQs for more info.

Waterlogged by Nom Inal


The Clone Wars - Battle of Davinich IV



Major Frish waited for a response. His patience yielded nothing.

"Colonel, the 1400 check-in, as requested."

Without turning or raising her head from the monitor, Colonel Geswin Polorus held out her hand towards Frish. The major delivered the datapad and remained standing at attention until he was dismissed with a mild "Thank you." Polorus continued to stare at the sonar/radar feed, studying the picture provided by the small viewscreen. Eventually, she rose up and tapped the sonar officer on the shoulder. "Keep me informed of any changes in activity, Sergeant."

Colonel Polorus attempted to gather her thoughts. What the hell are they waiting for? she wondered. The enemy was on their doorstep - both sides appeared poised and ready. It was 'Do or Die' time.

So why hasn't the Republic attacked?

Polorus let out a slow breath, hoping it would ease some of her anxiety. Frustrated, she turned and headed back towards the center of the command room. The entire chamber was a virtual circus of activity - operations officers shouting orders into comlinks, staff personnel running information across the floor, even maintenance droids effecting repairs to the rapidly aging building. As a heavyset woman just past the age of sixty, Geswin Polorus should have stuck out somewhat in a military setting such as this. The truth was, though, the armed forces of Davinich IV were a highly diverse crowd, made up of all varieties of race, gender and age.

Read more here.

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SDCC: Random House Audio's Fan Fiction Audio Book Contest
Posted By Mike on July 3, 2012:
Submit your best story for consideration!

Fan Comic Defective Now Online
Posted By Dustin on December 8, 2011:
Check out Jason Loo's creation!

Weekly ForceCast: May 27, 2011
Posted By Dustin on May 29, 2011:
Fangirl, Star Tours, Wicked lasers & more!

James Cameron's Avatar And Star Wars
Posted By Paul on January 1, 2010:
Updated! An odd coincidence with the EU...?

Fan Fiction: The Wilderness Of Death
Posted By Mike on October 28, 2009:
Featuring Ahsoka, Separatists & Ghosts!

Star Wars: In The Shadows Audio Drama
Posted By Mike on September 20, 2009:
Trailer now online, episodes to follow soon!

The Han Solo Adventures Game
Posted By Mike on August 30, 2009:
A new fan-made adventure game

Star Wars Fan Fiction At Aint It Cool News
Posted By Mike on April 25, 2009:
Re-writing the Anakin/Obi Wan ROTS duel

Simon Pegg's Fan Fiction
Posted By Mike on November 15, 2008:
Highlighted at the Official SW.com Blog

Happy 30th Anniversary Star Wars!
Posted By Dustin on May 25, 2007:
Stephen Hayford's latest tribute to that galaxy far, far away...

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