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Fan Fiction: Here

Posted By Britany on January 10, 2005

Here's the second story from the most recent Fan Fiction Archive update.

If you've got a story you'd like to submit, or you're interested in reviewing stories, check out the Fan Fiction Archive FAQs for more info.

Here by rhonderoo


The Battle of Endor is over and Anakin Skywalker is coming to terms with his place.


I've been here several times before. Some of the happiest moments in my life - the other life - were spent right here. The flowers fill the air with a summery sweetness. It feels warm, like the sun on your face in the morning, and inside is home. I make it as far as to the edge of the enclosed garden and my courage deserts me again. Not today.

I reveled in having cheated death in the war, each time more arrogant than the last until finally I sold my soul - my life forfeit for power over death. It is these thoughts that leave me sobbing on the ground, my face in my hands, galled by the audacity I possessed in thinking I could come here. I do not deserve what I come here for, but I always come back, for nothing else than to bask in the nearness of peace.

I know what you're thinking. I am lucky to even be here, in this place. It is by the grace of all that is Light that I am here. The goodness that came out of that Light pardoned me at the end.

So it goes.

I come here and I feel her presence nearby and it is enough. It has to be, at least for now. I commanded armies and decided the fate of others at my whim, but I cannot cross this precipice. So I wait. I wander out here in the in-between while my loved ones that lived on go about their lives.

I'm a name mentioned in warning to others that live in the Light. I'm a weight on my namesake, a burden to overcome and a point to be proven. I do not feel sorry for myself. I deserve this shame and so much more - in that existence, before I found my way back.

Read more here.

[Fan Fiction - News Archives]
SDCC: Random House Audio's Fan Fiction Audio Book Contest
Posted By Mike on July 3, 2012:
Submit your best story for consideration!

Fan Comic Defective Now Online
Posted By Dustin on December 8, 2011:
Check out Jason Loo's creation!

Weekly ForceCast: May 27, 2011
Posted By Dustin on May 29, 2011:
Fangirl, Star Tours, Wicked lasers & more!

James Cameron's Avatar And Star Wars
Posted By Paul on January 1, 2010:
Updated! An odd coincidence with the EU...?

Fan Fiction: The Wilderness Of Death
Posted By Mike on October 28, 2009:
Featuring Ahsoka, Separatists & Ghosts!

Star Wars: In The Shadows Audio Drama
Posted By Mike on September 20, 2009:
Trailer now online, episodes to follow soon!

The Han Solo Adventures Game
Posted By Mike on August 30, 2009:
A new fan-made adventure game

Star Wars Fan Fiction At Aint It Cool News
Posted By Mike on April 25, 2009:
Re-writing the Anakin/Obi Wan ROTS duel

Simon Pegg's Fan Fiction
Posted By Mike on November 15, 2008:
Highlighted at the Official SW.com Blog

Happy 30th Anniversary Star Wars!
Posted By Dustin on May 25, 2007:
Stephen Hayford's latest tribute to that galaxy far, far away...

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