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Fan Fiction: As the Sun Rises

Posted By Britany on March 2, 2005

Here's the first story from the most recent Fan Fiction Archive update.

If you've got a story you'd like to submit, or you're interested in reviewing stories, check out the Fan Fiction Archive FAQs for more info.

As the Sun Rises by VadersMistress


A Jedi faces his destiny during the Jedi Purges.


I feel his presence approaching me. My breath catches in my chest as I hear the breathing-the slow, ominous breathing. It is a sound that strikes fear in the hearts of even the bravest souls.

The shots whistle outside. I press myself even closer against the wall, hoping I can hide from him, though I know it's a fruitless effort. I hear her whimper at my side; the sound pains me. "Shhh..." I hiss.

She looks up at me with cold fear in her brown eyes. I have to look away; she mustn't see my fear.

The footsteps resonate down the narrow hall. They're coming closer. I can feel him approach us. His presence contaminates everything within its grasp. I know why he is here. He is here to kill us, to finish us off, all of us. I should have seen it earlier, should have stopped it…

Read more here.

[Fan Fiction - News Archives]
SDCC: Random House Audio's Fan Fiction Audio Book Contest
Posted By Mike on July 3, 2012:
Submit your best story for consideration!

Fan Comic Defective Now Online
Posted By Dustin on December 8, 2011:
Check out Jason Loo's creation!

Weekly ForceCast: May 27, 2011
Posted By Dustin on May 29, 2011:
Fangirl, Star Tours, Wicked lasers & more!

James Cameron's Avatar And Star Wars
Posted By Paul on January 1, 2010:
Updated! An odd coincidence with the EU...?

Fan Fiction: The Wilderness Of Death
Posted By Mike on October 28, 2009:
Featuring Ahsoka, Separatists & Ghosts!

Star Wars: In The Shadows Audio Drama
Posted By Mike on September 20, 2009:
Trailer now online, episodes to follow soon!

The Han Solo Adventures Game
Posted By Mike on August 30, 2009:
A new fan-made adventure game

Star Wars Fan Fiction At Aint It Cool News
Posted By Mike on April 25, 2009:
Re-writing the Anakin/Obi Wan ROTS duel

Simon Pegg's Fan Fiction
Posted By Mike on November 15, 2008:
Highlighted at the Official SW.com Blog

Happy 30th Anniversary Star Wars!
Posted By Dustin on May 25, 2007:
Stephen Hayford's latest tribute to that galaxy far, far away...

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