Zam Wesell Interview
Posted By Scott on May 10, 2002
J Narazaki sends this: Hi there, J Narazaki here, I?m just telling you guys about some Attack Of The Clones related news. Australian actress Leanna Walsman who plays Zam Wesell in episode 2 was on a radio program (Fox FM) in Melbourne, Australia talking about her career so far. She was interviewed by the programs hosts Jules and Kirsten and talks about her upcoming roll in Attack Of The Clones. She shares her thoughts on the Skywalker ranch, George Lucas and embarrassing moments and says some pretty funny things. Here is the interview: Jules: Who do you play? Leanna: ?I was Zam Wesell a bounty hunter working for the dark side.? Jules: Who where you hunting? Leanna: ?I can?t tell you.? Jules: Really? Are you sworn to secrecy about that stuff? Leanna: ?Yeah, but I can tell you certain things, it?s all over the net I guess. But there?s a cartoon book out at the moment that I saw the other day which I was really stoked (that?s Aussie language for happy) about cos it?s a cartoon book! It?s really cool man!? Jules: Are you in it? Leanna: ? Yeah, it?s called Zam Wesell! It doesn?t look like me but she?s very glamorous. But it seems like she?s got a thing with Jango Fett whose Boba Fett?s dad. So I think that?s star quality, star status in Star Wars land! Boba Fett is like the man of all bounty hunters, but in Star Wars episode 2 he?s a young boy. So his father?s the older one and that?s Jango Fett. It very cool.? Jules: What sort of scenes where you in? Tell us a bit about it? Leanna: ?Uh, it was all action. Most of it was with Ewan McGreggor and Hayden Christensen who are Obi-Wan and Anakin. And um?duelling, fighting, running, intergalactic speeder races, stuff like that which I have no idea what it looks like and what I?m doing until we see the film!? Kirsten: It?s all done with special effects. It must be hard? Leanna: ?Oh look, you become one of the audience you know, like I have know idea, I?ve just done it like two years ago now too, like a long time ago. He (George Lucas) spent that much time changing it and painting a picture and I have know idea!? Jules: Did you find George Lucas really inspiring as a person? Leanna: ?Um, yeah, well I wasn?t a huge Star Wars fan cos I?m not a sci-fi fan but then being a part of it I understand how extraordinary it is. So when you think about Star Wars the phenomenon not actually just the film, We?re talking about what?s beyond it, like the empire you know, like the fans, all the books. So, he makes three times as much on merchandise that he does in the film. You know, and he?s got the money that makes his film, that means he makes the choices, he is the B all and end all (Aussie talk for ?The Man?), you know, and a man that can control that as appose to what films have at the moment with the investment, as you know, so you?re always having people going?.?OK you have too stop shooting now?, ?No you can?t do that?, It has too reach that audience because this is our money we?re investing. We need to make profits about this and this and this?.? This guy?s (George) got complete control. You know what he makes is what he wants. And then at the end like that whole thing of going ?oh man, I don?t even know what it?s gonna look like!? It?s that he?s painting the picture, I?m just like this kind of bit in it.? Jules: Did you send much time with him while you were over there? Leanna: ?Um yeah, I spoke to him here but then I went for some pick ups to the skywalker ranch!? Kirsten: What is the Skywalker ranch? Leanna: ?It?s like this massive valley that he owns and it?s like in San Francisco and it?s incredible. He?s got wine growing there, he?s got wild deer kind of popping around, he?s got his own lake! It?s like this place that they said??Oh look it?s too big, you can?t have this place and do stuff on it. We don?t have any fire (precaution) wise, we can?t look after you.? So he builds his own fire station! And then he looks after the rest of the valley. And then they go?.?Well look, you can do that but we don?t have a water source to give you.? So he builds his own lake! Um, and it?s got like three huge Victorian kind of old style massive mansions and it feels like nothings happening in there. People like ride around on bikes and stuff. It?s kind of scary because you think ?I may not get out! and know one will know! (laughs) I can?t phone home!?. Any way, you kind of go into these big buildings. You don?t know why they?re there and you don?t know what?s happened, there?s nothing around, there?s no noise, and you open it and suddenly there?s like forty films being edited, not his, but films using his spaces to do stuff. It?s incredible! It?s phenomenal!? Jules: So you spent a lot of time with him obviously? Leanna: ?Well, a little bit. I was there for five days for thirty seconds of pick ups of doing a little bit of growling and then making me talk to a pole with like a pretend helmet on it (laughs) and um, he took me to the Madonna concert! Cos I was standing there one day and Madonna was there (in San Francisco) and people where talking (about it). You know, to tell you the truth I don?t even know what she?s doing at the moment anymore but you know, she?s a star, she?s a superstar. So I was like, ?I?ve never been to a Madonna concert. That?ll be kind of cool?. And people couldn?t even get tickets, they were like thousands of dollars on the internet, and someone said to George, ?Yeah Leanna was talking about it?. So the next thing that night without realizing, I?m told ?Ok you?re going with George?, so I get in the car and we drive to his place to get in the limo! I ate all the skittles in his limo and we get there, and um I didn?t wanna tell him that it was my first time in a stretched limo cos I was like the nerd in the car (Laughs). We get there and fifty percent (of people) said, ?I love your work Mr Spielberg! And the other fifty precent said I love you work Mr Lucas. They just don?t know! And also you know when you get embarrassed by other people, I felt like I was the rest of the world!? What do you think? It?s a pretty interesting insight. Fancy not knowing the difference between George Lucas and Steven Spielberg! What a crime!
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