We've received (literally) thousands of emails from fans who have confirmed (with their local theatres) that tomorrow is the big day for AOTC ticket sales. In fact, some fans have even managed to purchase theirs. To ensure that we post all the necessary info, please send us the following:
Name of Theater
Theater website
Time and date tickets go on sale
Location of Theater (city/state - full address if possible)
Midnight Screenings (yes/no)
Name of Ticket Company
Please send the info to starwars@theforce.net with "US_AOTC_Tickets" or "Canadian_AOTC_Tickets" as the subject of your email. Please ensure the info is confirmed (ie. you spoke to someone or received an email from the Theater or Ticket Site, you saw a memo or an ad, etc, etc). You can send any other info you may have, but be sure to answer as many of the points listed above.