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UK Fan Reactions to AOTC

Posted By Britany on May 15, 2002

Here a some fan reactions we received from UK fans who have just returned from midnight screenings of AOTC (Spoilers are whited out).

grahambreed tells us:

Just come back from a midnight screening in Birmingham, at the UGC Arcadian; I live very close to the cinema, and the screenign finished about 20 mins ago.About quarter to midnight, one of the managers came down and gave a little speech, ending it with "may the force be with you", to much applause. The theatre was pretty full, and as soon as the Lucasfilm logo and the Star Wars logo began , well, random clapping and applause again.

(hightlight to read) Many in the audience gasped at the Jango Fett fight in the arena and the Anakin fight with Dooku, both times when various body parts are removed by lightsaber. What I thought was odd was much laughter during the end fight between Yoda and Dooku - I couldn't tell if it was a delightful laughter with the film at finally getting to see what Fans have been waiting for for years by seeing Yoda in full on jedi mode, or Laughter at the film for what is at times an almost absurd looking sequence : after all if any other film featured a 2 foot muppet having a sword fight with Christopher Lee, how would we react?

Over all the film went down very well, and certainly left me almost ecstatic and how good it is, especially when compared to TPM. Once again fans clapped and applauded the film when the credits rolled.a great atmosphere. I've never felt anything like it at a film before. Overall, the only way i describe this is thus: Oh my God ... Now that's what I call a star wars movie.

matt tells us:

Wow.. I just got back home from the 12:01am showing of AOTC at the Odeon in Leicester Square, London. As well as the film being absolutely brilliant, it was introduced in person by Anthony Daniels, Rick McCallum and 6 StormTroopers. What an experience! I guess I'll go see it again tomorrow, but no special introduction probably!

Grahame tells us:

Just got back from the midnight showing of 'Attack of the Clones" here in the UK....... Absolutly awesome!!!!! This is what Star Wars is all about, It will restore the faith of all hardcore Star Wars fans. We've already booked seats to see it again in a few days, you need to see it a few times to appreciate the full scale and depth, it's easy to miss a lot of the action. For thrill seekers who like rollercoaster rides, within the first 30 mins you'll get that feeling. Episode 3 is going to rock the world for ever. Roll on Friday, when we get to rejoin the adventure yet again. I'm off to buy Phantom Menace on DVD tomorrow, it will make a lot more sense now :).

James tells us:

Just got back from a midnight screening here in the UK. It went down well in my cinema. The action is incredible and it moves along at such a rate that it is hard to remember the beginnning after seeing the end. More importantly it leaves you wanting more - bring on Episode 3. My personal feeling is that this is another groundbreaking effort by Lucas. Everyone must see this movie at least once on the big screen.

(Hightlight to read) Ewan is becoming Alec Guiness' Obi-Wan and Hayden is a fantastic Anakin - All memories of Jake Lloyd have been wiped from my mind. Christopher Lee is right up there as one of the best screen villains as Count Dooku - can't wait to see more of him in Episode 3. I can now see why Jar Jar was as he is in Episode 1. If George planned this it is unfortunatley neccessary. Good to see 3PO and R2 back together. Yes, lots of obvious gags but heck they got a few laughs over here.

Not all the romance went down terribly well - there were a few moans and groans but I felt it worked fine - after all they do have to get it together somehow. (Hightlight to read) Have to say that the scene of Anakin having a dream 'aroused' the greatest laughter throughout the whole film (especially the references to his mother - is this sexual innuendo or what. Maybe its British humour but if George planned this he really is a genius. Oh and yes, (hightlight to read) Yoda really is the daddy.

So, in my opinion it brings the trilogy together and all the tie ups are superb. It is a good combination of humour and action and I will definately be seeing it again soon, in order to take it all in.

Jonathan tells us:

I have just returned from the midnight screening of AOTC here in Plymouth, UK, where every seat in 3 large screens was a sellout. I arrived over an hour early and left at 2.30am Thurs. GMT. What can I say that hasn't been said before? Well, I could not fault it in any way...truly.

(Hightlight to read) The funniest moment for me, and for the majority of the audience, was threepio's conscription, albeit accidentally, on to the arena battlefield with legions of other droids. The arena battle was spectacular, Jango's fight with Obi-Wan was a treat, and I just dig Poggle's dialect. Moreover, the Yoda-Dooku duel brought cheers and rapturous applause from all which is uncharacteristic of British audiences :).

I have bought another ticket for the 5.30am GMT screening on Friday 17th May. Who knows, I might have the whole screen to myself!

Rob tells us:

Just got back from the midnight screening in little old Exmouth, UK (just like I did 3 years ago) and I gotta say I'm still trying to take it all in. The cinema, although small (about 200 seats), was packed and the atmosphere before the opening credits was electric. Unlike with the Episode 1 there was no talking or heckling and the audience was most definitely in awe of the on-screen events. The film itself was far more the complete package than EP 1, I can forgive the occasionally stilted dialogue (weren't all the OT filled with it?) and child-orientated humour simply because the end result is a beautifully dark brooding fairy-tale. Much more in keeping with the OT..... IMHO. :)

The SFX were mind-blowing (Would we accept anything else?) and Hayden was far better than I expected, Ewan still looked a little bored.... Natalie though..... now there's a babe. Oh yeah and (Hightlight to read) Yoda kicks some SERIOUS butt!

Personal rating 9 out of 10, but I think it's gonna take several more viewings just to absorb it all. Just booked my ticket for tomorrow, but I do seriously need some sleep right now.

And finally Darth T Rex tells us:

Just got back from a charity (in aid of the NSPCC) screening of Ep II at the Warner Cinema, Star City Birmingham England (Wed 15/5, 8.00pm). Plenty of people in costume, cinema full, although this cinema has a digital print this performance was shown tradionally. (Hightlight to read) Yoda was the best, he was everything we hoped for and more. Mace Windu was a little flat along with C3PO. The love scenes actually worked ok but overall Lucas needs to be more brutal with his ideas. Editing them down early in the planning stages therefore leaving only what is necessary to make the film work better. In short, an attempt to cram too much into an already too long a movie but nevertheless the best since TESB. Here's to the last one.

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